art, writings, video, Music, and various expressions in every medium of expression that can be posted by roballen2 allentheartist roballen2writing robalen2artwork roballen2music roballen2videos
what is , is all that need be

If I told you what it means to me, It would change what it menans to yoy
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Scribblings of Mine: Doodle Page Game
Scribblings of Mine: Doodle Page Game: This is a Doodle Page. You pick your two favorite color pens, a pencil, and an eraser and you draw random stuff. I started wi...
Scribblings of Mine: Robot Commentators? Oh, look a kitten!
Scribblings of Mine: Robot Commentators? Oh, look a kitten!: My dad mentioned something about those annoying gibberish things that you have to type to confirm you're a person. I don't un...
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Scribblings of Mine: Poetry
Scribblings of Mine: Poetry: {Link} Okay so, feeling a little down and listening to Avril Lavigne I decided to write a song. It came out a bit more like po...
Friday, September 21, 2012
Scribblings of Mine: Poetry
Scribblings of Mine: Poetry: {Link} Okay so, feeling a little down and listening to Avril Lavigne I decided to write a song. It came out a bit more like po...
Scribblings of Mine: Robot Commentators? Oh, look a kitten!
Scribblings of Mine: Robot Commentators? Oh, look a kitten!: My dad mentioned something about those annoying gibberish things that you have to type to confirm you're a person. I don't un...
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
3 Years Dead
3 Years Dead
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Scribblings of Mine: Adventure!
Scribblings of Mine: Adventure!: Okay, so here I am, exhausted, weighed down by fast food, and draped over my desk. But this is a good thing. Why? I'll tell you....
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Gilligan's Island (My rejected script, XXX)
“The Professor’s Island” Roberto Dilemma
(My Rejected Script)
Now this is a story about, “Gilligan’s Island”
Now if you listen to the song at the beginning,. They went for, “a three hour tour.”
It isn’t any wonder that boat sank. Professor just had to bring boxes and boxes of reference books etc.
Mr. Howell had to bring trunks full of cash. Mrs. Howell had to bring furs, other clothes and a giant jewelry box full of millions of dollars in gold, gems, etc.
Why was Ginger wearing a gold lame’ evening gown? At least she brought a bathing suite.
Now little Mary Ann…the one all the men want to have sex with. I’ve asked quite a few- 8 out of 10 say “Mary Ann”. Well at least she didn’t bring a bundle of crap to weigh the “Tiny Ship” down.
That’s another phrase/lyric out of the Intro song…I would never describe that, “Minnow” as a “Tiny Ship”. It was a fuckin’ fishing boat!
Well this is a script. For my own version of the old TV show.
The song is different. The lyric makes more sense. It also it mentions a premonition “The Professor” had about the boat going down. That’s why he brought along the books, survival books
Zoom into a scene of, “The Lagoon”. We see a sweaty Gilligan deepening irrigation ditches to divert water from a fresh water fall, to crops.
The camera get closer and you can see scares on his back where he’d been beaten with a whip. He takes out a rag. It used to be his red shit. It’s damn near pink now and he wipes the sweat from his face and head.
Through a clearing down a path, the Professor approaches, he’s got Ginger nearly hanging on him. She’s massaging his groin area.
Professor-”How’s it going Gilligan. I thought you’d be done by now. Keep slacking Mother Fucker and I’ll have your ass tied back to that whipping post in a New York Heartbeat!”
Gilligan, looking down on his muddy sandals that were once his shoes-“Yes sir. I move a bit faster…”
Professor-“Fuck YOU!! A bit faster, you want to eat? You want to live? You’d all be god damn skeletons if I hadn’t been on that piece of shit boat. You fuckin’ haul ass and get this done. I’ve got other things that need to be done.”
Gilligan-…“but what’s Porky (formerly known as, The Skipper) doing?”
Professor- “Shut the fuck up and dig asshole, Is this Bitch Boy’s Island? NO!!! It’s the Professors Island! Don’t worry about fat ass . I got him making sure algae doesn’t build up in the lagoon. SO WE CAN HARVEST FISH. Now Dig!”
They’ve been on the Island a little over a year. The Professor, had thought because Mr. Howell was suppose to be so god-damn important they’d be rescued for sure. After about nine months of hard labor, building practical things around the island. The Professor got pretty strong.
He could barely get the others to help. They were either too weak or too stupid.
They would wreak more things then they fixed/built.
But this would change.
The professor snapped.
He comes out of his hut one day. He’s been busting his ass on a windmill.
This would not only make flour but also power a few mechanical things, labor saving devices, washing machine, etc..
He walks up and bitch slaps Gilligan right across his face. Everyone is sitting there. They’re all stunned.
The skipper gets up and starts to say something about, “ NOT treating his “Little Buddy”…
And the Professor socks him in his fat belly, he doubles over and an uppercut knocks him on his ass.
Professor-”I’ve watched this stupid ass mother fucker, screw up every attempt at getting off this Island we’ve worked hard to do.
Things are changing NOW!!! “
Professor looks at Gilligan, red handprint on his face,. He’s crying like a six year old girl.
Ginger & Mary Ann are fawning over him. Stroking his face softly where the Professor slapped him.
The Professor grabs both Ginger & Mary Ann by the hair. Ginger stumbles to her knees. The Professor rubs her face into his crotch roughly. He lets go of Ginger. He pulls Mary Ann right up next to his body and kisses her hard, long, and wet. While squeezing her ass cheeks, one in each hand.
He lets go of her. She takes one step back and sighs. There’s spit from a sloppy kiss all over her chin.
The professor says-”If it isn’t spit, it isn’t love!” You are now BOTH MY WOMEN!!
It won’t get you out of working, but it will have it’s perks!”
Mr. Howell-”Professor I totally agree, and I think…”
Professor-”You won’t think. You’re a fuckin’ money grubbing pig bitch”
“I got a plan about dealing with you and your god-damn money later”
Mr. Howell-”I think we can come to an arrangement…
Professor-(Shouts) Eat your fuckin’ money asshole.
Then he grabs Mrs. Howell by the hair and pulls him to her also.
Mr. Howell-”But sir you are talking about my wife there,
He gets a slap similar to the one Gilligan got. It knocks him back into his seat.
Professor-”You’ll be lucky to fuck her, sloppy thirds on Christmas”!
Now Gilligan is whimpering, and the skipper just rolled over. He started to say something and was promptly kicked in the ribs,( but not too hard)…by the professor.
Professor-“Now I am in charge. This Is Not a democracy. You will listen and execute all my instructions to the letter. Think hard, I will explain things a couple of times. If you have any questions, ASK FROM THE START!. No voting on anything. I let all our well being depend on you dim-wits for too long!”
Mr. Howell- “Well Professor, I think a little talk about payment for such services….”
Professor interrupts-”You Like Money Mr. Howell? “
Mr. Howell- confessing his un-dying love for money.
Professor-”Mr. Howell, bring me a stack of hundred dollar bills, the women and I will be in the clearing down by the lagoon.”
They get to the clearing. A beautiful grassy area near the lagoon.
Professor-”Mary Ann, I like the way them shorts are wearing out. I’ve drooled over that ass hanging out of those shorts for many a day & night.”
Mary Ann turns sideways and arches her back, turns around and “pretends” to scratch her ankle while looking at the Professor from between her legs. Ginger is standing glazed look in her eyes, mouth hanging open.
Mrs. Howell is breathing hard and sweat has broken out on her upper lip area.
Professor-”Mary Ann crawl over here slow. Ginger, you still got panties? Take off all your clothes except your panties”
Ginger and Mary Ann Do as they are told. They’ve been “Needing” something for a long time also.
At that moment Mr. Howell bumbles into the clearing.
Mr. Howell- “Lovie!!! what’s going on here???”
Professor slaps him again. He drops a box of hundred dollar bills.
Professor-”You like money, I like Money?”
Mr. Howell-” Oh yes, yes…”
Professor-”You like money, I like money”
Mr. Howell- “you know I love money, professor, I just love Money”.
Professor- “Mr. Howell, come over here by the shore of the lagoon”
He does.
Professor-” Ginger, Mary Ann, I want Mr. Howell naked from the waist down. Do it pleasingly. Sexy like.
Don’t worry you won’t have to do anything to the ugly old bastard.”
Professor-”Do you girls like money?”
Ginger & Mary Ann say nothing.
Now they got him naked to the waist, they observe he is becoming aroused.
Professor-“Ginger, rub his cock on those “Movie Star” lips of yours, then rub it all over that face.”
She complies. (Fear , lust, or both… the first act of blatant sexuality in over a year.)
The Professor whispers something to Mary Ann. She was suggestively posing in the grass, occasionally
Touching herself.
Professor-”Mrs. Howell Pick up that money and put it back in that box.”
Mrs. Howell- “Do you want me to take off my clothes?”
Professor-“yea, but leave something on, a slip. I’m sure your beautiful for a woman your age. You are going to make a wonderful hand-maiden for my women.”
She doesn’t quite hear what he’s saying. She seems in a hurry to get her clothes off.
Mary Ann has walked over to Mr. Howell, She whispers something in his ear. Then leads him to the ground by his “Pud”.
The she arranges him so he’s, “Buns up & Kneeling“, on the grass next to the water.
Mrs. Howell is now standing there in nothing but a silk slip, holding a box of hundred dollar bills.
Professor-”You like money Mrs. Howell?”
Mrs. Howell- “Not like my husband!”
Professor-”That’s good to hear!”
Professor-”Lets go over here and deal with that husband of yours”
Mr. Howell is totally aroused now as he watches Mary Ann undo her red checkered table cloth looking top. It is tied in the middle. She starts rolling her nipples around with her thumb and forefinger.
This seems to wake him from some stupor/dream
The Professor explains, -”Mrs. Howell, you take one of these hundred dollar bills, roll it up.”
He shows her what he means. “Roll the bill the short way.”
She doesn’t understand “Yet” why she is doing this.
Mr. Howell is staring at Mary Ann, and he tries to grab his wife.
Professor, pulls him back by his hair. The handful that remains in the professor’s hand, after getting Mr. Howell back in position is rubbed in Mr. Howell’s face.
Professor-”Now Mrs. Howell, you roll them up like this. The you dip about half of it in the water.”
Mr. Howell quietly stays where he’s at on his elbows and knees.
Professor-”Then you ask your husband, do you like money, I like money?” “Just like that,
Let me hear you say it.”
Mrs. Howell-”Do you like money, I like money?”
Professor-”Then when your husband answers, you shove one of those rolled up c-note up his ass.”
Mrs. Howell-”I will not”
You could see her nipples were erect, and she kept trying to touch herself, but did well controlling this urge.
…but she was obviously turned on.
Professor-”Well Mrs. Howell, I hope you got an asshole that ready for a box of money….”
Mrs. Howell-”sighs” OK, I’ll shove it up the greedy “money is the most important thing in the world? HUH? Thurston???”
Mr. Howell- …“Butt Lovie???”
Mrs. Howell- “Professor I think he needs a few thousand dollars shoved in his mouth too!”
(I guess Mrs. Howell had some pent up anger & frustration?)
Professor-”Ginger, make yourself useful, no need to roll the money for his mouth, just wad it up, dip it in the water, the dip it in the sand…then shove it in his mouth till he can’t run his suck!”
“Don’t kill him, I don’t want anyone hurt. Slaves aren’t easy to come by on this island.“
They watch while Mrs. Howell keeps asking the question, “You like money, I like money?”
To which Thurston would always reply, “yes“…and every time she shoved another hundred dollar bill up his ass. (Poopy Money!)
At the seven hundred dollar mark Ol’ Thurston Howell the Third came like a sperm whale, and was begging, Lovie” for more money up his ass.
Professor thought, sick fuck, I knew he was warped but he’s seriously fucked in the head.
Professor-”Ginger, keep an eye on these two, and don’t worry, I’ll be ready for you.”
The Professor stepped out of sight with Mary Ann. “Imagine“… a lot went down in a sloppy fifty minutes. It seemed like they were both very hungry for each other.
Professor hears a pounding or rattling of some type. Round two was over with Mary Ann (for now) You could smell the sex. They had each others juices all over their sweaty bodies and faces.
He looks around. What could be making that sound?
It’s Gilligan and the Skipper watching Mary Ann & the Professor and jacking each other off.
Their faces are RED and their sweating, and their eyes are closed tight.
Professor also notices some tools he’d made to dig and chop tress. He‘s thinking, these two dim-wits were going to come and TRY to beat my ass, maybe even kill me…but they seen us going around the world and just couldn’t help themselves. Could’ve caught me with my pants down.
The Professor quickly & quietly sneaks over to where they’re sitting on a log, (Helping each other)
Grabs this giant shell he had strapped to a pole to use as a shovel, and tosses it, then he grabs a sharp flat stone he had attached to a pole to use as an axe of sorts.
He couldn’t fuckin’ believe it. Their faces still red…they were lost in their tug out.
He set the axe thing down and picked up two hard mangos. As soon as he seen them starting to ejaculate,
He pounded them both pretty damn hard right in the side of their heads. It was like the Three Stooges, their heads banged together. Mary Ann Laughed out loud.
The professor had saved all wood or lumber that was on the island or drifted onto shore. He had a pole.
Big around as a telephone pole. Over thirteen feet long
The day The Professor snapped he was an inspired man.
For the bit of treachery form Gilligan & the Skipper he had them bring some large stones about a half mile or so. From the hill where the professor was building the Mill, to the sunniest part of the most humid buggy field on the island.
Then he had them dig a hole. Twenty four inches around, five feet deep.
By now Mr. Howell learned some kind of lesson. He pulled all the money out of his ass.
Shit some out. He was now helping Gilligan & The Skipper.(by orders from The Professor)
No one could get near The Professor to hit him, or try to hurt him.
Shit rolls downhill, and the professor did not say anything about Gilligan or the Skipper, NOT slapping around Mr. Howell, or bitching at him. So need-less to say, he caught a lot of shit.
They got the hole dug.
Professor-”Now all three of you working as a team get that big log, bring it here.”
The Professor knew he could only give them so many steps when it came to directions.
Too many at once and something was sure to get done wrong.
They brought the log.
Professor-”Now, stand it up in the hole. Stick all those rocks around it so it doesn’t wiggle. Then pack it in real tight. With good hard clay.
If this is not done correctly you will be finding out what this is for sooner then you’d like”.
Mrs. Howell was directed to give Ginger & Mary Ann all her clothes. Mary Ann and Ginger were altering them to the professors fashion designs. He was going for the Sexy Warrior Woman look for His Women.
Mrs. Howell was given the chore of weaving her jewelry into nine strands of strong rope. She was told, “They Had Better Not Fall Out, No matter what is done with “The Ropes”
The Professor comes back. His women are looking good and working on their NEW clothes.
Mrs. Howell Is still braiding rings, broaches, hat pins, and stuff into strands of rope. She is doing a very good job.
Professor-“Mary Ann get something together for dinner. Gilligan, Skipper, & Mr. Howell will eat the fish heads and fish guts. If they don’t like it they can starve. They will also get the peelings and scraps of all fruits and vegetables we eat. Unless I directly tell you otherwise.”
“Mary Ann, I know you, if you are caught sneaking them MY FOOD, & our food. You will eat with them for a month. For that same month you will be their pleasure slave.” “ Especially when they do a sweaty work.”
Maybe that will help you to hold to “The Professor’s Laws”!”
“Keep Working on that Mrs. Howell.”
Now it was the Professors turn to slip off with Ginger.
Now Ginger did not get to be “The Big Movie Star” she was on her acting ability.
As a matter of fact she could barely act. She had only one character she played well, The Dim- Witted Whore”, which wasn’t really that much of a stretch for her because that’s pretty much what she was.
Now…use your Imagine Nation here people. Go there.
Professor had a nasty time with her. This shit was rated XXXX. They petty much went through every category of porn that a single man and women could do.
(This IS NOT a porno story, it’s comedy, this is why you HAVE TO use your Imagine Nation.)
Ginger done things to and for the professor that he would have never thought of.
Professor-”My fuckin’ GOD! Woman…when you let that god-damn whore out of the cage you can’t control it”
Ginger is just smiling at the professor, on her knees in the grass, doing something I won’t even type here.
(Time to use your Imagine Nation again.)
Professor-”God-damn Mary Ann was Normal compared to you”
Ginger-(hissing, purring, sighing) ”I’m your fuckin’ whore professor, I’m your bitch-whore”.
Professor-”Enough already, god-damn”
The professor is close enough to Ginger, she grabs him and he feels like she’s trying to shove her head up his ass. “Mouth First”
Professor-”Calm the fuck down”
He pushes her away and gives her a firm, but not hard slap.
Ginger-”Professor, beat me! Whip me, Try to make me right again, I’ll try every little trick…I never used before…”
She seemed to like this. The professor walks away . For the first time in his life, he’s turn on, and off at the same time. He feels almost ashamed of himself.
Being, “The professor” he’s giving this a lot of thought. He walks off to look in on the others.
Mary Ann is cooking up something.
Mrs. Howell is proud and ready to show the professor her handy work.
Still stunned (somewhat) by Ginger’s performance, he sits down and looks at the nine pieces of rope Mrs. Howell has braided her jewelry into.
Professor-”Nice” he says to Mrs. Howell
She’s standing next to him. She starts to explain what each piece is, where it comes from, how much it’s worth.
Professor-”I don’t give a flyin’ fuck”
He’s holding each piece by the rope end.
Mrs. Howell finds out first what this is all about as he slaps her across the ass with his new, jewel encrusted Cat-of-nine tales.
She lets out a YELP.
He very strongly attaches them to the end of a stick, this will serve as the handle. He takes it with him.
He thinking, I’ll also need something a little less severe.
Professor-”Now lets see if they got that pole in place”
Mrs. Howell-(all steamy under the silk) “What do you want me to do now professor?, what can I do for you? I’ll do ANYTHING?”
The professor just looks at her, shakes his head and tells her-”Help Mary Ann.”
He’s on his way to see that the men got that post secured. He’s thinking, money people, all fuckin’ freaks, deep down…like pagan Rome, fuckin’ money people.
He gets to where the Pole is. Sure enough it’s there. Sunk in the ground. He puts down his new jewel encrusted cat-of-nine-tales. He tries to give it a shake.
Good and solid.
But where is Gillian? Where is The Skipper? Where and the hell is Mr. Howell?
He picks up his cat of nine tales, and goes on full alert!
Now he listens. He hears weird sounds. Sounds like starving pigs eating slop for the first time in a month.
He quietly follows the sound.
What do you think he finds?
It’s Ginger, doing her best to service Gillian, Skipper, and Mr. Howell all at the same time.
They are off into it.
The tools they used to set the pole are laying in the grass, along with a big stick that could easily be used as a club.
He whips, and I MEAN!!! whips Skipper across his fat ass with the cat-of -nine-tales.
Skipper-”Screams, loud and hurt”
The only reason Skipper was the one that got whipped is because his fat ass was the only clear shot Professor had at the tangled flesh that was getting their nut on, in, with, or without, Ginger.
These Mother Fuckers were “On The Wild”. This didn’t stop shit. Skipper just thought it was another one of Ginger’s freaky moves.
Professor takes one step back. Looks at the scene and thinks, My fuckin’ god!!!
His second thought is one of a learned man.
Fuck it, I’ll give ‘em their moment.
Finally things seem to be winding down.
Ginger-(excitedly explaining)” when I came here they had that pole in place and were planning to ambush you!”
The others are scrambling for articles of their clothes. Tying to get their shit somewhat together.
Skipper makes a lunge for the pole like club laying in the grass not to far from where he grabbed his raggedy pants.
Now the Professor lays a mean whip across his back with that cat-of-nine-tails.
He lets out a sound like something in-between a cat hissing a pig squealing.
Professor-”Smart move porky. Say “Skipper” is no longer your moniker”
Skipper-(interrupts, visually in quite a deal of pain) “You’ve fuckin’ lost it Professor, what the fuck is a moniker?”
Skipper who is from now on going to be called Porky get bitch slapped by the Professor.
Professor-”It’s your name, or what we used to call you, useless fat ass shit with legs that you are!”
“From now on everyone will refer to you as Porky, till otherwise directed by me”.
Gillian giggles a little bit.
Professor-”you think that’s funny, What the fuck I think is funny is you and skipper going at Ginger like that, I would have bet you two were gay”.
Gillian-”Well we’re not gay, it’s just that men that spend a lot of time on a boat together without a woman, well…they..”
“In fact that is going to be your new name, BITCH BOY,. How do you like that”
“Now Poky and Mr. Howell what’s Gillian’s new name?”
Porky (formerly Skipper) & Mr. Howell, in unison- “Bitch Boy”
Professor-”if I hear you call him anything else there will be consequences”
Ginger standing there looking like a glazed doughnut-”Did I do good Professor”
Professor-”Clean yourself off you nasty whore, and thanks…for distracting these three assholes”.
Ginger-”My Pleasure, I’ll do anything for you Professor…ANYTHING”…
Professor-”You’ve done plenty for now, and yea…I bet it was your pleasure”.
Mr. Howell-”I hope I can persuade you from mentioning this to Mrs. Howell”
Professor-”How by offering me more of your useless money. Eat your fuckin’ money you greedy pig. Your on a deserted island. What the hell do you think we’re gonna buy here with that cash?”
“You see stores? Car dealerships? Your money isn’t worth shit on this Island, In fact if I don’t think of a better use for it I’ll be using it to wipe my ass with.”
“Why in the hell did you see it necessary to bring so much money with you?”
“Being the big time millionaire you are, why the hell don’t you have your own Bad ass ship with a competent crew?”
Ginger returns, wearing nothing but wet panties.
Professor-”Go find something, besides your gold evening gown or bathing suite to wear”
“Start showing some modesty , around these freaks. Put on some of those clothes you got from Mrs. Howell”
Professor-”That’s another thing, why and the hell did you dumb ass wife feel it necessary to bring trunks of clothes and furs, along with a couple giant jewelry boxes on a god-damn three hour tour aboard a fishing boat?”
Mr. Howell-”Oh Lovie just like to be prepared for anything, and she also like to always bring her favorite jewelry and furs with her where ever…”
Professor-(Bitch slaps Mr. Howell and screams three inches from his face) “SHUT THE FUCK UP!!”
“She’s just stupid a stupid and greedy showoff just like you “
Gillian snickers-”You seem to like slapping people hard across the face pro….”
Gillian get a walloping bitch slap!
Professor-”Fuck yes I do! Wanna talk about it, BITCH BOY”
Gillian starts crying like a six year old girl again.
Professor pokes him in the nose with the three fore fingers on his right hand.
Professor-”SHUT THE FUCK UP! I’m not going to be listening to any more of your bawling like a six year old girl that just skinned her knee on her bike”
Gillian tries to get it under control.
Professor-”Toughen Up!”
They all go back. Mary Ann has some good looking food cooked up. Mrs. Howell (Still just wearing a slip) finds it rewarding to be setting the table with things that had been salvaged from the boat.
Professor-”Separate these tables, Mrs. Howell…you’ll be doing the serving and sitting at our table.
Those three stupid ass slaves will sit off to the side”
Professor watches as the food is plated.
Professor-”where is the slop from you cleaning these fish?”
Mary Ann-”I’ve saved it in a bucket, like we usually do to use as bait to catch more fish.”
Professor-”…and Mary Ann, what did I say these chump ass slaves that can barely do anything right are going to eat?”
Mary Ann-”But Professor, there’re plenty for everyone…”
Professor-(interrupts)”That is not the god-damn point here girl!”
Mary Ann-”but Professor…”
Professor-”now Mary Ann, we can do this the hard way, or we can do this the easy way,
Lay that sweet ass of your across my lap”
No one says a thing.
Mary Ann is standing there, tears running down her face, biting her lip”
She does as she’s told and the Professor spanks the hell out of he ass” (Not a pants down spanking, but painful)
Professor-(speaking to Ginger)“Now bring their plates of food over her and put them by me, GINGER, WAKE THE FUCK UP! You see me looking at you. YES, I’m not asking Mrs. Movie Star Slut, I’m telling you, Bring their plates over to ME!”
“Mrs. Howell, get the chum bucket, and for that little act of NOT LISTENING, Mary Ann, your stupid ass friends there will be eating fish heads and guts, with fruit scraps off the GOD-DAMN GROUND!”
Mr. Howell-”But Professor, please.”
Professor just picks up his new little whip and shows it to Mr. Howell. Mr. Howell stops talking.
Professor-”Mary Ann since it looks and smells so good, your lucky you won’t be joining them eating their shit from the sand”.
Professor-”Listen people, I’m not an unreasonable man. Once we get a certain amount of work done to assure our survival, and measures taken to signal any passing ships or planes, I’ll lighten up I promise”.
Professor-”Bitch Boy, come here”.
Gillian does not move. He’s staring at the fish heads and other shit that’s suppose to be his dinner. He’s hungry.
Professor-”It seems like someone has forgotten his new name“, (Now singing it) “Bitch Boy Come Here.“
Mr. Howell pokes Bitch Boy (formerly known as Gillian)
Gillian gets up. Afraid, face red on both sides from being slapped.
Gillian-”Yea Professor?”
The Professor gets up. There are his plate and the three others that were going to be served to the
Professors new slave crew.
Professor-”Bitch Boy, My little buddy, I want you to go a head and just eat my plate of food”
Mary Ann-(rubbing her sore ass cheeks) lets out a strange little sound.
The professor shoots her a LOOK!
Bitch Boy (Gillian)-”Why thanks Professor.”
Porky (Skipper) and Mr. Howell just look up at him. They wonder, why him. We want to eat good stuff off the table also?
Gillian gets to eating. He has about three quarters of the plate finished when his head drops, like a bag of wet cement…right onto his plate.
Professor-”Mary Ann!!!! You better pray to fuckin’ God this Bitch Boy Slave lives or you will be doing every bit of work he would have done….plus your own!!!”
“What the fuck did you put in my food?”
Mary Ann (scared, crying so hard she can hardly catch her breath) “They were just some of Mrs. Howell’s sleeping pills. I’m sure there wasn’t enough to kill him. We don’t want to kill you professor.”
Professor-”you keep this shit up and you sure as hell gonna wish I was dead”
Professor is looking at her. He feels sorry for her. He’s never seen anyone cry like that.
Professor-”If he’s alive in the mourning, I’ll decide what to do with you then. Tonight…you don’t eat.
You will sleep tied securely to that pole. “
Mary Ann knows there’s strange animals, poison bugs, and snakes she’s scared.
The professor is also aware of conditions in that field where he had that pole staked.
Professor-”Stop crying woman, I was harsh, eat, sleep by my side tonight”
“But if Bitch Boy is dead come mourning, I’ll know your intentions.”
“Listen, Mary Ann, I think you are probably the most normal person on this island, including my now CRAZY self. I like you, lets hope this works out.”
-THE END- (of this episode)
Death of the Hippie (News Film)
"The Leather Clown" (Roberto Delimma)
New Questions (roballen2)
Now this is for all people. Women if they are thinking about doing this kind of thing.
Men if they have a woman they love, that is thinking about, or does these things.
The Leather Clown
Your woman wants to get into this NEW, S&M thing. She wants to dress up like a clown and “discipline” you.
This is easy because they are Yes & No answers.
1- She wants to buy a $248.00 dollar pair of Big, (Very Big) Bright red clown shoes?
a=yes b=No
2-You gotten her the shoes and now she wants you to lick the shoe heal, (Which she calls a boot heal” ) She holds it over your mouth & face and says, “LICK THE BOOTHEAL OF THE TRYRANT CLOWN”. would you.
A=Yes b=No
3-She wants to spend a considerable sum on clown clothes, Black fishnets. A whip.
A black “Peek-a-boo bra” a very colorful halter dress. (to go with her shoes…of coarse)
a=yes b=no
so far… By some freaky bad-craziness you went along with all this.
Because…you love her. (no offense to ALL of you folks that are heavy into this type of thing, “It’s all good”!)
4-Now she wants a pink poodle dog, or white one, and she’ll dye it pink. $742.00
a=yeas b= no
5-Now she wants to buy a very, very expensive….very little car. Especially for clowns with a false bottom in it. It cost (Used) as much as a “Mini Cooper New”.
a=yeas b=no
6-Now she’s acquired an old fashioned Seltzer Bottle at a second hand store, she want to see how you like it when she squirts it right in your “Butt Hole”!
a=yes b=no
7-Now she wants to hire prostitute midgets of both sexes, to help her.
a=yeas b=no
8-Now she wants to chase you around the house in the little car to a spot where you hired contractors to put in a sliding trap door, so all the whore midgets can get out of the car and tie you up.
a=yes b=no
9-Now she’s got you licking her big red clown shoe, letting the little clown whores tie you up. She is squirting a seltzer bottle up your butt, you poop.
a=yes b=no
10-She wants you to let her rub beef gravy on your balls, so the little pink poodle (that she spent YOUR money to have trained to “YAP…YAP’ and do back flips) so it nibbles and bites on your nuts?
a=yes b=no
11-She wants to hire a very professional & Expensive film crew to film the whole act. It’s gotten quite involved with you doing to male midget clowns whatever she commands you. Which has gotten quite bizarre.
She wants to show this film at the next family reunion?
a=yes b=no
Think about your answers carefully. Now remember, this is a woman you love very much. The first to “POOOOOOP’ that cherry boy nut of yours. (and when that shit happen, the lost boys heard you in never-never land, as did Snow White)
"You Have To Read This!" (Roberto Delimma)
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The 6 & Davidson Series- Vol. 6
“100% True Story”
Fuck the disclaimers. Fuck hiding behind the bullshit.
This is a true story. I lived this god-damn life.
Everything about this shit happened just like you’ll be reading it.
It has adult situations. Corse language…and just plain
Bad craziness. To title this chapter would be to, “Give it away”.
I would like the reader to be some what as surprised as I was.
“You Have to Read This!” (Roberto Dilemma)
Once in the early 1970 s I was walking down a Detroit street in the middle of the night. It was summer and the weather was good. I figure it was about two in the mourning.
Now I’m diddy-boppin’ just like I did back on the block.
With this cool kind of inspired dance step as I walked. Music was happening in my head. I was tripping on some acid that was called “Bulls-eye” blots. It was good, clean and came on paper. It had a bulls-eye pattern. I think the acid was in the ink.
You could tell how fresh it was because after a while the chemist made new batches in different colors.
I had a little under a thousand of these fuckers in my Freezer. The only trip I was carrying, was already in my head. I also had about a half ounce of spicy Mexican weed tucked in my pants, somewhere behind my balls.
Now a shit brown, ugly ass old Chrysler Fury started riding slow behind me. This worried me for a fraction of a second because I was thinking, pigs drive those kind of cars. Then another thought came to me. Their cars are not that old and never that ragged out.
Now I’m on the side walk. This car gets even with me…I look at it. There’s two chicks in it.
The girl driving speaks out, “Hey aren’t you one of the Allen Brothers”?
I answer, “I am the main Allen brother”.
Then the girl says, “Where’s Rick”?
I walk up to the car. There’s a tall shapely girl driving, seemed like she’s buzzin’. There was another smaller girl with dark eyes and dark wavy hair riding with
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I asked the driver, who seemed to be doing the talking, “Who are you”?
She says, “My name is Cherie ****”(last name deleted at publishers insistence)
I run this shit through the files in my mind. Oh yes, I heard of her. Another friend named Tom (who has since killed himself) mentioned once how he saw my brother, “Making out like a big dog” in an art class with this girl.
Again she asked, “Where’s Rick”?
Now Rick was the pretty boy. Always copped the current style and attitude. He happened to be hiding out at the time. An attempt to rob a dope house of ten pounds of good smoke and 5ooo hits of different blotter acid.
That’s a whole different story. One that I might get around to writing about, but not now.
I’m feeling this whole situation out. I can’t seem to see either of them clearly. I asked them to turn on the dome light for a minute. So the driver, Cherie does.
I look at them both. The little one seems shy. Dark eyes. She won’t meet my glance. Seems to keep looking at her shoes or something. Not my kind….for sure. Now the driver, She looks kind of pretty. I just can’t get past the fuckin’ green plague on her teeth. It was going through my mind how funky her breath must smell. The other thing was, Rick must have been one drunk mother fucker that day in school to be kissing that mouth. “Good Lawrd!”
She must have had some kind of feeling I was staring at her nasty teeth. She shut the dome light off.
About that same time I was thinking, God Damn, if that’s how she takes care of the parts of herself you can see….and, I got too much respect for my cock to even fuck that nasty mouth.
She breaks into this little train of thought I was having.
“I heard he was in jail”, she says.
“No on vacation” I reply.
“Fuck you, I know he’s in jail, wanna go for a ride with us”?
This gets some different wheels turning in my acid soaked brain.
I miss my Brother.
I got a good size chunk of Blond Hash at my apartment.
Plus that trip in the freezer.
Again, trying to coax me, “Come on for a ride with us”.
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“We got some beeeer”.
Well I didn’t drink then. Got turned off of that buzz on a night of puking. ’Ol Harvey Wallbanger kicked my brains in at a New Years eve party. I didn’t drink again for about sixteen years. I still can stand the taste of orange juice.
I used to love it.
“No, go on, fuck the beers; I don’t drink anyway”.
Now this green tooth hussy is getting insistent.
“Come on, you’ll be happy you do”.
I highly doubted this. But…. I ask them,
“How much gas you got in that pig bitch car & how much money you have”?
Cherie answers, “The tanks almost full, and we got the money to fill it up at least a couple more times, and buy another twelve pack”.
I tell her, “ I got trip, good smoke, and a bit of coin myself. How bad you wanna see Rick”.
“You just come on with us”, she says.
I tell her, “hey, I’ll take you to see Rick. He less then two hours from here, up north. Staying right off the big lake“.
Now Rick had been up there for about two weeks. Laying low until the heat was off.
I knew the way he consumed drugs, booze and money…
Shit had to be getting a bit tight with him.
Then he’s never been a good pussy hunter. He did drink. He had his guitar with him. Who knows? He was making out with her in art class.
She says, “Ok, lets go see him. I got till Tuesday late afternoon”.
It was Friday.
Now at the time I had a girl friend. I had no idea then how fucked up she was. She was talented at playing “Snow White”. Never-the-Less…
I told Cheri, “We are going to pick up my guitar, grab some dope, and swing by and get my girlfriend. What do you think of that?”
“GIRLFRIND?” she says. In a voice that anyone with a half of brain can imagine.
“Yea”, I tell her. “She’s coming with us, or I don’t give a fuck”
“I miss my brother, (and to cinch the deal) and he might need pussy, but if you don’t want to pick up my girlfriend”
“That I’m currently being faithful too, then fuck off”.
(adding this-like the lying dog I was at the time)
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She says, “Oh your sweet”. “We’ll get your girl and your guitar and the other shit, but this better not be a wild goose chase, I heard Rick was in Jail.”
“Yea, you keep sayin’ that” I got in. (The back)
First she goes by and picks up my girl. I give her the low down. She looks over the two in the front seat and just shakes her head.
Now I’m approaching, “The Brain Hour”…”The Peak of the trip”. I’m getting a little weirded out because Green teeth Cherie is driving like shit. I got real dope on me.
(Although I had stashed it in HER car) This driving she’s doing is going to get us in trouble. Like pulled over in trouble.
I say, “Why don’t you let me drive?”
“No way” she says, “your eyes are all pupil. Your tripping on your ass”
I thought she had a good point. So, another suggestion.
“Let my girlfriend drive, she’s relatively straight”.
“OK”, she answers. Then in a very quick change of places, My girl is in the drivers seat. Cherie is in the back seat with me. This isn’t quite how I thought it should be. I wanted to ride shot-gun, while Cheri and her no name whispering, flip trip, reject from “The Manson” family sat in back.
Well, one hussy, strumpet, hoochie mamma…surely knows another. Because my girl didn’t think that would be the way it happened. Very fast.
Now my girl keeps looking in the rearview. Cheri is trying to grope my cock every time my girl looks at the road.
Her freaky whispering friend, with the dark eyes, has everybody thrown off.
I see my girl checking the rearview. She keeps saying “WHAT”, “Huh” To this girl riding shot gun.
Now we’re all out in the middle of Bum-Fuk, No-wheres-ville. I not only want the seating arrangement to change. “QUICK”. I also have to take a piss.
I ask my girl. “Pull over, next good place you see, I gotta piss like a race horse”.
“Alright”, she says
“As soon as possible”, I reply
“YYEEESSS”, “ALRIGHT”, “I understand”
Next thing I know she pulling into a closed gas station.
I say, “Pull around toward the back, Get away from the building”. I don’t want anyone to think we’re up to no
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good, or stealing anything. In my head, we’ll just be there a couple minutes.
So I go to bounce around the corner. There’s a street light some distance from the building. It’s on the edge of the trees.
Under the pole of that street light is a pretty nice looking dog house. (As dog houses go)
Chained to that light pole.
With heavy duty tow chain. There was the biggest, strongest, loudest, fastest, German Sheppard I ever seen.
That dog seen me before I seen it. Charged fast.
That chained stopped it. It was pulling, and barking, and snarling.
Startled the living shit out of me. I’m surprised I didn’t piss myself right there and then.
I stepped back. Then seen I was right outside of a circle
Of dirt. The dog and chain had worn everything within
The length of chain down to the ground.
I stepped off to a place where I could piss without this dog going fuckin’ nuts.
As I was pissing I thought to myself. I’m surprised that god-damn dog didn’t pull that pole down.
Healthy ass dog. Someone takes good care of that dog.
I finish my piss, gave it a shake, put it away.
I go back to the car. I get to the car and Cherie, and my girlfriend are standing outside the car. I don’t think shit about it. I figure, getting some air, beautiful night, stretching their legs.
Then Cherie says, “I gotta take a piss too”.
I tell her, “Watch out for that big mother fuckin’ dog back there”.
She says nothing and goes to take her leak.
I’m not paying any attention to much but the sky. It seemed so clear. The stars were sparkling like diamonds.
I was trying to decide exactly what color I’d call that sky, not quite purple, a deep cobalt blue.
Then like from the end of some far away tunnel, comes my girlfriends voice. She talking shit a mile a minute. It’s sounding something like bitching. Just when I figure my talent for letting this kind of thing go right over my head, like- it’s not even making it in the first ear.
She puts her hands on my shoulders and starts again in a different tone. I’m pretty much forced to listen now.
So I look right at her.
Well the acid still had a pretty good grip on my mind
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And she looked weird and somewhat alien to me. I stood there looking at her, then I was watching her mouth move.
This was probably happening all at once. In my mind it wasn’t. It was coming down in steps…
She was saying, “as soon as you got out of that car to piss, that ugly slut was going to follow you”.
I wasn’t surprised. So I figure, they weren’t out there, “Taking in the night”.
My girl was actually stopping Cheri from following me.
I knew better then to listen to any more. OK, I think. Go any father into this conversation and there’s defiantly a mind fuck tangled in it somewhere. So I shut her off.
I wander to the other side of the car. I look at the woods, where the sky touches the trees. I hear all these frogs and crickets.
Time is NOT on my mind, at all.
I wonder if that is a owl I hear far off. Behind all this is the far off sound of my girlfriend running her mouth.
Like static in between the stations on the radio.
As I’m starting to look at the road. I notice that some of the gravel that is in it, and on it sparkles under the glow of the distant street light behind the gas station.
Then my “Alien” girlfriend, with her transparent eyes,
Big six head, and spotted face is back in my world.
She’s saying, “Go see what the hell is taking her. She’s been back there taking her piss for over twenty minutes.”
Then I notice her looking at her watch.
I think, I didn’t know she wore a watch? I don’t wear a watch. I don’t need a watch to waste my time.
Then she repeats herself louder.
This only makes me think, hell if what she’s saying is true…there hasn’t been a car down this road in some time. Good thing we’re not in a jam of some sorts.
Then I realize she’s kind of nudging me along.
Her request sinks in. “I’ll check it out”, I say.
I go to see where she might be. She’s not where I took a piss. Then I wonder. Where the hell did she go?
I listen carefully. I hear something. It’s that dog.
That dog and something else. My ears have played tricks on me before when I was tripping.
When I look around the corner of the gas station.
Under the glow of that street light.
There’s Cherie. All ass in the air. Buck ass naked. Elbows
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and knees in the dirt. God-damn face was laying in the dirt.
That German Sheppard was fucking her so fast it looked like the dog was vibrating.
I stand there staring. For a second, I can’t believe it.
Then I look around and see all her clothes in a neat pile, just outside, “The dirt circle”.
I rub my eyes, look away. Then I look back. Yes, that dog is fucking Cherie. I look at her face. Her eyes are closed, and she’s making sounds. I thought I could see her breath moving the dust of the dirt where her face was laying. Breathing hard. Lost in the ecstasy of getting nailed by this dog.
Then I like let this fake cough out. A kind of, “excuse me” type cough.
The dog looks at me. Cherie is gone. She never even opened her eyes. Then …No Shit! While that dog looked at me, I got this telepathic message, “Please, give me my moment, and Thanks.”
So I stroll back to the car. I tell my girlfriend,
“She’ll be right here”.
Now this ignites the “Bitch/Cunt”, in my girlfriend.
I felt the bad-craziness of this girl when in this mood.
I sure the fuck didn’t need, or want it aimed at me now.
“SO WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING!!!” she screams.
I calmly tell her, “You’ll have to go see for yourself”.
“I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you.”
Plus I thought, confirmation of what I thought I saw, from someone that wasn’t on drugs would assure me; I wasn’t just seeing things.
As “Bitch/Cunt” stomps back to where I was pointing.
She’s muttering and yelling shit. Fuck her I think. She’s another bitch that could use a good fuckin’ from ’Ol Rin Tin Tin. If I hadn’t needed her to protect me from getting raped by a couple dog fuckers, I would have never insisted on picking her up.
Then I hear her scream, “I don’t FUCKIN” BELIEVE IT!!!”
She comes stomping back to the car screaming, “She’s Back there getting fucked by some big dog!”
I was tempted to say, Is that a hint of jealousy in that scream? Not wanting to incur the wrath of this alien, Bitch/Cunt I keep that thought to myself.
About five minutes later, Cherie comes walking out from
Behind the gas station. She’s carrying her clothes. They all as clean as they were when she got out of the car. (Pretty Clean)
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She saying in a perfectly clear voice, “You won’t believe what happen to me. I fell down into a ditch”.
Now there was no ditch back there. I wasn’t that high.
There wasn’t even a ditch on the side of the road. Hell, we
Were in Michigan. There was a shoulder of gravel as wide as a car running down both sides of The road.
I look at her. She’s draining dog cum down her legs.
For a fraction of a second I think, YUK! But on second thought I felt it was good that the dog had the happy ending.
There’s dirt and dog shit all on her elbows, feet, knees, legs, forearms, face, etc, etc.
I walk around her…and yes, dog scratches, gentle paw claw
Marks on her back and hips. Slobber all over her neck, which also looks kind of red.
I go to looking in the car for something she can use to wipe herself off. My girlfriend starts digging in with the insults. “We saw you , I saw you!, you were just having a good time letting that dog just fuck the living shit out of you!”
“You Disgusting whore!”
I think, whore? I don’t believe she charged the dog anything. Still I keep quiet. I find a sweat shirt, and a rather large denim shirt in the back seat. I had noticed the denim shirt because it was tucked behind my back, sort of a pillow.
So I hand her the sweat shirt and instruct her to clean herself up a bit.
She looks at me, still talking in a normal tone of voice; and asked-”You don’t think I was really back there having sex with a dog?”
To which I most truth fully answer, “Yea”.
“Why would you two say that”, she screams.
To which I reply, ’What did you do, take off all your clothes before you fell in this non-existent ditch?”
“Show me this ditch?” “I see your clothes are all still clean”
I could feel the wheels turning in her head.
She very suddenly started acting totally fucked up.
Slurring her words. Stumbling around. Now as far as I knew
These girls had a twelve pack when I ran into them.
That was hours ago. Six were left. I hadn’t given her any chemical drugs. She hadn’t mentioned having any. I did burn a joint . That one normal size joint between four people.
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I figure she’s acting fucked up now as an excuse for
Fucking with a dog. Maybe when she went back there she was already a little steamy under the panties.
She was sure acting horney, before that doggie rumba she just got done doing.
The acid in my head was fading but I still had a mind taking at least four directions at once.
I was thinking. She went back there. The dog smelled that skank (Pussy). The dog stated panting quietly.
Well after taking her piss. If in fact she ever had to really take a piss. The dog starts licking her ass. She bends forward, to give the dog a better shot at her asshole and cunt.
Now here’s where it goes deep into left field.
Did she take off all her clothes and pile them neatly at the edge of the dogs boundaries before this?
Or…Were they removed and set aside with every intention of fucking that dog. Made me further wonder if she had fucked dogs before? Did she have a dog? Was it a regular thing?
My girlfriend is still running her suck, trying to degrade Cherie. Who was keeping up the I’m too fucked up act.
I tell my girl friend, ‘Shut the fuck up now!”
I see Cherie had wipe herself off. I point to a couple spots she missed. She wipes them.
Now I look at the sky because I see we’re loosing the night. The suns gonna be up real soon. People will probably start to roll down this road. The gas station could be opening any minute.
After I told my girlfriend to shut the fuck up, she was mumbling bullshit as she went back and sat in the car.
Now Cherie is standing there. Still naked. I hand her the denim shirt.
I say, “Put this on. If one of these Good ’Ol Boys on their way to work see your dog fuckin’ ass standing here naked as a Jay Bird in this parking lot they may want to get up on some sloppy seconds after that dog” “If you think that I’m gonna defend your questionable honor when they want to take liberties with you. YOUR WRONG”
So she put on the shirt.
I go around to the passenger side and tell the little confused, Sadie, “Your going to sit in back with Cherie, please”.
She says nothing, now Cherie has already made herself comfortable in the back. She was doing a piss poor acting
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job, pretending to be going in and out of some kind of Passing Out state.
Then I go around to the front driver seat. I tell my girlfriend, “I’m good to drive now”.
…and I shoot her a look.
She slides over. She knows full well she’s seen me drive on enough LSD to send a squad of Marines to the loonie bend for the rest of their life’s.
I love LSD. To this day. It is good medicine. It’s getting harder and harder to find.
Well she knew I was just in the right place to be focused.
We had about another fifty minutes on the road. Three quarters of it a straight shot. Then left, and we would be there.
We get driving.
My girlfriend says, “Smells like dog shit in here”.
To which I reply, “Could you just shut your mouth, have mercy, at least on my mind. It’s not quite over. I’ve got to re-group inside my head. Shut your smart ass mouth for the rest of the ride.
She must have exercised more self control then I have ever seen her do before. She keep quiet for the rest of the ride.
No doubt planning on how she was going to “Vomit”, this dog fucking girl news to my brother; upon seeing him.
To be cont....
The Simple Truth (R.Allen)
“THE SIMPLE TRUTH” (Robert Keith Allen- May,2011)
Step 0ne=Discard all knowledge, beliefs and books of allegedly “Divine Text”.
Step Two= Throw out all lies and propaganda imposed on you by the society in which you currently reside.
Here’s the mantra:
Respect what lives!
Protect my children.
Protect all the living things I’ve come to love.
This is what I roll around in my head over and over.
“A Very Good Quote (from a very Fucked up Man)-
“It must be remembered
That there is nothing more difficult to plan,
More doubtful of success,
Nor more dangerous to manage
Then the creation of a new system.
For the initiator has the enmity
Of all who would profit
By the preservation of the old institutions
And merely lukewarm defenders
In those who would gain by the new ones.”
Niccolo’ Machiavelli
It seems an idea will take hold when society is ready to accept it.
Put yourself to a test. Every time you feel like putting this down, every time you think something negative about what your reading, THINK and KNOW, it is because it doesn’t fit in with your current world-view. If you want to stop, do yourself a favor, force yourself to keep reading. Force yourself to TRY and understand!
By the time you reach an age when you can understand an idea with substance. Your at an age when the idea will be tossed aside if it doesn’t fit in with the world-view imposed on you.
False beliefs are maintained by strong confirmation, or the tendency to seek information that confirms preexisting beliefs. Information that disconfirms them is thrown out.
This bias is much more then academic when social issues are concerned. For instance if you are raised to believe a certain way, or republicans have the best agenda, or someone you work with is always wrong about everything, you will seek information that confirms those beliefs and rarely examine, remember or notice disconfirming evidence. The more this happens the deeper rooted your belief becomes.
Since the moment you were born, your senses have been taking in information.
Think of all your physical senses now.
Experiences acquired through interaction with heredity and environment, parents, relatives, school. TV, (other Pop culture mediums) using your mind as a dumping ground for trash, movies, music, your own peer group, plus countless un-mentioned input.
(From here on, I’ll refer to this as, “MOTHER CULTURE”. I’d like the readers of this to understand. Thank you.) Page#1
All this input into your mind and being has given you your world-view. It is also been a major contributing factor in your personality, and the perception, by you, of your own self. “Self Image”.
Before anyone can accept a new idea, they have to have a clear and open mind. I’m not talking about a mind so god-damn open your brain falls out. If you are comfortable with your current beliefs, if they give you a nice soft psychological pillow to rest your head. You are the ones that never questioned what you were told or what you were taught.
Now ask yourself, “am I happy?” “Am I comfortable with myself and my view of life?”
Just because your father, your grand-father, your great-grand-father believed it, doesn’t mean it is right. It sure as hell doesn’t mean it is TRUE! I don’t care if it’s been taught for the last two thousand years, all the more reason to re-think it!
Most, “SHEEPLE” will give up every right and freedom they have to hold on to the myths and customs they were born into. They will, and have, killed, fought, and died for these myths and customs!
Don’t become a victim of society! If your happiness ever depends on what others think (or do) YOU’VE got a problem.
When did you become, “US”?
When did you become, “WE”?
What is TRUTH?
Reality of mind, space, time, free will, god? Perhaps the reality we take in through our senses; everything else, bullshit? Is there no material reality?
Do you have evidence? A hunch? JUSTIFICATION? Knowledge, reason, the testimony of the senses? ….All acting together, will we ever have enough justification to claim knowledge of anything?
TRUTH A word. A human, English, guttural utterance that represents an idea.
It’s a little like buying a certain type of car you’ve never owned. You get this type of car, and all of the sudden you notice all the ones like it, driving by you all the time, On Every Road!
They were always there. You just had to have your first one to notice, they’re all around you.
Give up all the myth and propaganda you’ve been taught since BIRTH, and with minimum effort, You too will find truths All around you.
Humans don’t take responsibility for their actions or words. They refuse to take responsibility for the consequences of their words and actions. They make excuses and point a finger at someone or something else. They want to be the hero of their life. No one really wants to end up the villain in their life story. They lie to themselves and everyone about everything. They believe their own lies. They double talk, sugar coat, and make their lies sound just like truth. They’re taught to do this. It is probably like this worldwide, but I live in The United States of Amerika and I know for a fact, the media, the schools, parents, etc., etc., are lying all the time. All the way around. Stranger still is most people believe the lies.
The amerikians dope themselves with different amusements and distractions that are designed to re-enforce these lies and myths. In this information age, truth is not that hard to find. Ask the questions, then question the answers. You don’t have to dig too deep these days to research the truth. Turn your lying TV off! Stop with the stupid ass video games. Stop masturbating to your porno, Stop reading your religious books! Stop looking for something at the bottom of a bottle, in the shit/poison you stick up your nose, down your throat and in your veins. Stop waiting to die and start living and finding truth.
This has to happen real soon because humans, mostly, “white expansion” is spreading like vermin or disease eating up the host that is our world. There is no consideration for the world we will hand our children.
Are you an animal? If you’ve answered No to that question, your lying to yourself, misinformed, or stupid.
There is No forgiveness for the greed, the disrespect for life, that humans continually show!
Placing humanity ABOVE all other living things is a common practice. Humans believe they are closer to GODS then animals. Not really even having a clue what this GOD concept is.(or what the GOD is for that matter) They like to pretend. MORE LIES.
Another thing you have to know, THE GOVERNMENT HAS TOTAL CONTROL OVER THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA. They give us just what they want and need to maintain the illusion of freedom of speech, freedom of the press etc.. In a way they know we’ll accept it.
James Madison Said, “Let them think they govern, and they will be governed”.
It’s like living in a giant cult. The grounds are big. Apparent freedom to those, “born into it”.
But….all the information and, “Affairs/ money and other types” are dealt with by, The Ruling Elite, then the chain of command. They create, and change rules, and history to suite their purpose.
The government and society imposes on our FREDOMS in an overwhelming way.
They have us believing we’d be living a savage, impossible life without the protection and education of the government. Humans can be bad, we’ll prey on each other in the most vicious ways.
Do we really need them to protect us from ourselves?
“Whatever it takes”, really. Deep down you know that this it true. You’ve always suspected
All the human’s, separating themselves, warring, totally atrocious things. Things I can’t get into.
All for a words. Symbols of an ideas. BELIEFS.
…Back to the point:
1-How it All Got Started
Lets start at the beginning.
I’m no expert but I’ve been researching and studying…“Everything”, for my whole life.
The dealings with humans and the rest of what lives in, “The World As It Is”; has been a subject of major importance to me. How did things get this way? Why do we continue to let everything go on like this? Where is it all headed? How long does the world have, going along this path at such a rate? A species, “Humans” conditioned to band together for the chance of survival was better when in groups. Bands, Civilizations, the formation of societies.
What would, “Perfect” be like”?
The Earth was a bunch of primitive oceans and seas. The situation for the creation of life was perfect near volcanoes.’ On the top of the waters, lightning, sunlight, molecules of ammonia, water, carbon dioxide, and methane come together and form the first organic matter. This shit sloshed around in the waves like a murky sludge. Then by some simple twist of fate a couple clumps of atoms came together into a new shape. To say this new atom combo had an ability never before seen on this planet, or in this universe…now that would be plain stupid. As humans it IS NOT a knowledge known to the race. This new ability was, “it could make copies of itself”. Replicators. A step toward complexity.
When supplies of un-used sludge began to run out, it was the replicators that could take apart their competitors, and use the components to continue replicating.
Is this perhaps the reason humans can dream of peace and never really have it. At the core of existence, “Disassemble the competitors”, “Continue to replicate”. Grow. First defense maybe a simple chemical armored shell, like the ones that protect some forms of bacteria. Time moved armored shells became more intricate, muscles, whips, fins….and way off later; hands, feet, brains. The descendants of those primitive replicates of, “THEN” are the genes of NOW. The latest version of those protective suites are, You and ME.
Mitochondria are little surfboard-shaped units that function as the power sources for cells. In fact they produce the energy to keep our cells alive. That is not the only reason they are important.
In1963, researchers discovered that mitochondria have their own DNA. It is so distinct that scientists couldn’t match the DNA to anything else in the body. This discovery led Lynn Marguis, a 28 year old microbiologist, to theorize that mitochondria were remnants of a once independent bacteria. More specifically Margulis believed that mitochondria’s ancestors had aided their survival by sacrificing their independence to share space and resources with nearby cells. (Human cells are ONE with mitochondria.
Unfortunately, nobody took Margulis’ theory seriously. Her first paper written on the subject was rejected by 15 journals. And although she managed to get it published, the following year, most of her peers saw her work as flawed, or to weird to be true.
The first piece of evidence in Margulis’ favor came when researchers learned that the mitochondrial genome resembles that of bacteria in shape and structure. After scientists in the 1980s finally proved that mitochondrial DNA is distinctly different then from any other DNA in the human body, the game was up. Today, almost everyone accepts Margulis’s idea that mitochondria were once bacteria. In fact, in 2001, scientist discovered mitochondria’s closest living relative-
Rickettsia the family of microbes that causes typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted Fever.
Now, is this relationship between our cells and mitochondria, parasitic, or symbiotic?
You may have to put this question toward the front of your mind, “Does this have anything to do with our life span being what it is? Is this a built in mutation? Does this mitocondria trigger disease? What, if anything might if have to do with the human aging process?
If it is the very thing that, “Powers Our Cells”…what is really in charge here? If it powers our cells,
Then it could be interpreted as the animating force. Is it, GOD? The GOD inside all of us?
It may stand to reason that the mitochondria gather and power our cells because of the ability of our cells to disassemble competitors and go on replicating. Then there’s the catch, without being “Powered” by mitochondria would our cells be able to even perform this function? (or any other?)
Beside being the DNA force that powers our cells, it stands to reason they are probably the source of intelligence behind our cells; and cell coconsciousness
The more absurd theory, “Do we have alien DNA in our bodies?” Since they are the very, “Bacteria” that actually powers our cells, “gives them life”.
Sound NUTS!
Fuck yes it sounds nuts. Never-the-less it’s true. You can either take my word for it, or get off your lazy asses and research this information yourself. I highly encourage/recommend this.
The more intelligent minds we have pondering these questions, the more likely we are to come up with some reasonable answers.
Near the base of the human skull is the stem of the brain. Poking up from the spinal column.
This mass of brain tissue was from our earliest ancestors, the reptiles.
Like a peach pit. Primitive, instinctual orders, twenty-four-seven.
Upgraded, “mammals“. The fruit around the pit. The, “Mammalian” brain”. A different,” added” to a bunch of behavior and emotions.
Stand the fuck up. Look the hell around, what’s the deal with the world?
Nature complied. A new structure. Yes a layer of skin over the old two…(reptilian and mammal) The neocortex.
Now humans with their dreams and beliefs can exalted themselves to something, in-between animals And, “GOD”(s) while the reptile and mammal scream from inside THEIR skulls. (instinctual desires?)
How many simple instinctive desires are considered, “bad, evil, sinful, immoral”, etc., by most religions or society in the world, Right Now”? (anti-social behavior, there are laws against being a true human animal)
Approximately or about three million years ago, the date most often given in research as the first sign of fossil evidence of the higher primate that would be called man. So humans are
believed to be that old.
Believe what you want. If your way to positive thinking and acceptance in your present social order depends on LIE, that can’t be good. If your way to acceptance is through blind faith in the absurd, there is a problem. Page#4
About fifty thousand years ago something, “Different” happened with the humans. They begin to attempt to talk. Did their voice box evolve? I doubt it.
The development of language started the sharing of ideas. The idea of self-awareness?
What else?
Humans have 46 chromosomes, which carry all our genes. It is this genetic code that gives us the abilities we have. “Supposedly” bright, complex, unique creatures. It would seem that the humans, being what they are; would have more chromosomes then Earths other primates.
The fact is, we don’t. Most of the great apes, chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, have 48 chromosomes, two more then humans.
If humans, “homo sapiens” are suppose to be the smart ones how did we end up with less chromosomes? I will theorize that around the time of the development of speech, and the sharing of ideas; we lost a couple of chromosomes.
Scientist have been pondering this for decades. A 1982 study published in the journal, “Science” started to provide some clues. Evidence of our “missing” two genes involved telomeres, the protective caps at the end of chromosomes that keep them from unraveling.
These “telomeres” are kind of like the plastic caps at the end of your shoelaces. Because they function like this you wouldn’t expect to find strands hanging out in the middle of chromosomes.
Well in 1982 that’s exactly where scientist found them. Snuggled up against the Centromere, or central sequence, of chromosome 2. These out-of-place telomeres were strikingly similar to the telomeres that can be found on the tips of the two extra chromosomes of the great apes.
A new hypothesis: Scientists now believe that the two missing chromosomes had fused together, rather then disappearing.
Now if the two chromosomes had “fused together“, then there would, and should be one long one, and only one missing. I believe this stands to reason. “Logic“.
“They” say (They say a lot) The format had changed, but they hadn’t lost any information. In 2005, the chimpanzee genome was sequenced. Scientist could now clearly see that the human chromosome 2. Line up quite perfectly with the chimp chromosome 12 & 13.
Fuck the scientist, the chromosomes were in pairs, , humans having 46 and great apes having 48, tells “by the rule of Logic” that humans lost a PAIR, and the chromosome sequence fused together in the continued patterned sequence. “Repetitive design“.
Now you have to wonder ,
What would happen if through genetic engineering we fuse these, “Missing Chromosomes” back into place?
What could we loose? What could we gain?
What if anything did the DNA that powers our cells, “mitochondria” have to do with this step in evolution?
The humans that attempted, “The Sharing of Ideas” were in many ways like the replicators that could break down the components of their competitors. They lived on to replicate/reproduce.
Now put the question in you mind, on what atomic, molecular, gene, level is it programmed into humans to take apart their competitors, to use components for their purpose?
(There are ways people are always attempting to, “Dis-assemble” their opponents in the modern world, in every area, including their social life’s)
All but for about the last ten thousand years the humans were a very minor part of the world eco-system. There was movement and there was growth, but it was very slow.
Humans started in small groups. Like the genetically close apes. Bands= groups of a few families. Nomadic, moving around a lot. Hunter, scavengers. They only took what they could carry. No doubt the reason the population didn’t grow fast. Also the reason they would defend themselves and others in their band, to the death if necessary.
Nomadic hunter-gatherers have to keep their children spaced at four year intervals by extended nursing and other means, The mother must carry, and look after the toddler till it is old enough to keep up with the adults.
Hunter gatherers enjoyed a varied diet
It stands to reason that a great advancement was made in the area of, “pitching”. Like throwing a ball. But these humans threw rocks. They brought down protein foods. The females would #6
crawl up whimpering, offering themselves for a bit of the food. The big bad ass, “Former” leaders even had to humble themselves for a bite. So the good pitchers had more children, that were born and taught to be good pitchers themselves. Then the sling-shot, wrapping the rock to the end of a long stick, etc. etc.. Weapons!
At this point the population of humans on the earth was ten million.
Then in one corner of the world there came a new form of agriculture, and a while later domesticating animals (Food, Beasts of burden, camels, horses, ox etc., depending on where they lived)This made more food available.
Almost all diseases originally come from animals. Using the animal shit to fertilize the felids of crops, keeping the animals inside for both the humans to keep warm and the animals/Food to keep from freezing to death. The adoption of agriculture was in so many was, “The very worst thing we could have began“. A catastrophe from which we still haven’t recovered. With agriculture came the worst social and sexual inequality, also creating food surpluses, bringing new diseases, denser human population and a lot of vermin/parasites.
The most recent discoveries suggest that the adoption of agriculture, supposedly our most IMPORTANT step toward a better life, was the worst choice we could have made, “for all that lives“ Forced to choose between limiting population, or tying to increase food production through agriculture, we choose the latter which led to starvation, warfare, and tyranny, among other things.
Very few tribes of hunter gatherers survive. Some got caught up in, “The New Ways”. Most bands were outbreed, drove off, or killed. At the least they were forced out to areas farmers didn’t want.
Besides removing the current humans that occupied, “Their” land, all the trees, and other plants had to be cleared for a good farming plot.
Then, all the animals and insects, etc. that would harm crops and food surpluses had to be done away with. The courses of rivers and other bodies of water would have to be rerouted for irrigation, etc., etc.. This New form of agriculture totally upset the balance of nature.
Some experts say the tribes in this area did have more time. They didn’t have to constantly worry about starving.
They invented. Scribes recorded and shared information with others from the tribe .
Fuckin’ Gorillas have enough free time to build their own Parthenon if they wanted. So what’s that say about this, “Free Time” concept. The whole importance of free time as a critical factor is stupid..
Modern Hunter-Gatherers have at least as much free time as farmers.
“ The growth of the arts over the last thousand years is often credited to agriculture, “ so,…it was stored food that gave us the great things mankind has created? It gives us free time hunter gatherers never had”?
Great paintings and sculptures were already being produced by hunter gathers 15,000 years ago. They were still being produced, at least until the last century by hunter gathers , “The Inuit,” and “The Indians of the Pacific Northwest”.
Tribes were kin based clans. The population was usually in the hundreds. The lived in fixed places. (to keep an eye on food surpluses etc.) They more often then not had one leader. They solved their problems with each other and with others informally.
In this corner of the world the population doubled in three thousand years, then again in two thousand years.
Ten million to fifty million. All coveting every square inch of land around them for human food production. No regard for other life forms.
Early farmers got most of their food from one or a few starchy crops. Farmers gained cheep calories and poor nutrition. Farms risk starvation if one crop fails.
In this corner of the world it was becoming crowded. More people competing for less resources.
. About this time the first “States” form for armed defense and aggression. “Political Machinery”.
In the social body we are unwitting cells. Remember the replicators that took apart competitors
to use components for their purpose. The individual is a CELL IN THE SOCIAL SUPERORGANISM.
If just a person’s survival was the total ruling force, We wouldn’t have self destruct mechanisms. Something inherited from our cellular ancestors, form communities..
Our Cells are not working for us. We are working for them.
The same cells that formed humans, cause humans to form social societies! These are held together by Belief in the same way of life. The same God. Whatever? Competition for the top of the pecking order among social groups throughout the world IS and HAS BEEN the cause of self-destructiveness, depression, anxiety hopelessness, ferocious addiction to mythology, scientific theory, ideology, religion, and our worst addiction, “HATRED”!
The different social orders, create enemies for each group to hate. It gives that particular social order an outlet for frustration, and it’s by product hate.
We need a new way of looking at humanity to reshape our destiny. Culture alone is not responsible for violence, cruelty, war, etc., etc..
There is something woven into the most basic human biological fabric.
The, ‘DIS-ASSEMBLE” the competitor instinct infused in every cell of our being? The human adaptive system is very complex, we have to evolve. We’ve out grown our, “in-born evil”.(Now that sounds strange.) There is a certain type of consciousness on a cellular level. The individual is a cell in the, “social super organism“, a “Component”. All three parts of your brain are still hard at work, Reptile, Mammal, & Human.
And…all these ideas are as old as humans themselves.
To what extent is society retarding the evolution of the individual Humans?
Humans could probably evolve, like the speech, sharing Ideas time, perhaps The DNA mitochondria could/would push this forward but…
We are so intent on progressing the pecking order of our regional, particular society,
Prodded on by the Industrial War Complex. So obsessed with creating bigger and better weapons.
Keep others down. “Trying” to stay on top of the pecking order; through any means.
Being brainwashed by, “The ruling Elite”. With in the global village that has become our, “Brave New World” we used to be moved around like herds of sheep.
The “Man” the “Sheepdog”, do the sheep know the dog is working with, and for, “The Man”?
Well now an attempt is being executed to move us in larger groups, like schools of fish.
Take the profit out of WAR and there wouldn’t be war. Not on the scale it is now.
The rich have so much invested in the old ways they’ve become afraid of change. They fight so intensely to keep the human race on the same path that fucked them, and their world up.
Any supporters of a new, different, and possibly/ probably, BETTER WAY meet with such strong resistance;
It not long before they become very lame supporters. Then they usually give up entirely. If they are charismatic and gain too many followers they will be killed.
Have humans already gotten to the point where we’ve killed all our dreamers and there’s no one fit to lead us?
2-Where is it All Headed?
It’s like Dylan says, “We’re only a Pawn In The Game”’
Who made up the game?
Who put the game on the table, and why do we play?
If the truth is what everyone wants? If the truth is gonna, “set them free”. ?
Why don’t more people ask questions?
REMEMBER-Blind faith, (in the absurd) “just tell me the way everyone else believes and I’ll be conditioned.”
The ages breed human to be like they are. It’s in every cell of their bodies.
The awareness of this. The acceptance of this as one of the, “Simplest of truths“…
If it makes you feel uncomfortable with yourself , or your current worldview…”Change”.
We’re humans, lazy sheeple, no, no, no, “remember” schools of fish, in our, “Brave New World”.
The pecking order gets established. Something crawls on your back and says, “Sit still, peck around, give everyone a chance to eat, and work.”.
Page #7
Page #8
All people should think about the ways, “Mother Culture’s” got them doped, YOU ARE A TARGET MARKET GROUP!
Religions filling people with strange myths. Making them afraid to live. Making them afraid to die. This is not good. GUILT. Bad-craziness, distorting people’s, “worldview”. Warping humans self image. Making religion part of, “Pop Culture”. The hip thing to, die for? The cool thing to give your life to?
The religious part of life, it requires passionate, subjective belief rather then objective proof, in the paradoxical and the absurd. So, what’s the absurd? That which Christianity (the worst) asks us to accept as true, God became a man born of a virgin? He suffered, died, and was resurrected? Faith may have it’s rewards, but it isn’t rational. It’s beyond reason.
SO How original am I? How original are you? How original are, “They”?
The Gods of ancient “Mythology” were once believed in as fiercely as the Gods of today. People fought and died for these beliefs. They do the same all over the world, all religions right now.
Not that long ago there were gods that were both “Good and Evil”, like the duality of mind within humans.
Everyone born at a different time, in a different place, even if their DNA was 100 per cent the same, they would be completely different people. A whole new person, even born at the same time in a different culture. Totally different! We are products of heredity and environment.
We have to evolve past that, “making differences”. We only do it so we’ll have, “Enemies”.
We need an arch enemy. All the time. We need a society that approves of an enemy. Heredity and environment” Firmly planted, with propaganda, “Blind Faith” in Old Myths and Customs! They impose their worldview. See the enemy. Point your frustration, anger, and hatred at them.
“THEY” don’t need things exploding from the inside. Those are the ones, the approved enemy. Their less then human. With our god on our side we’ll have to MAKE them see?.!
They don’t believe in the same god as we do! They have a different form of government!
What ever. If it wasn’t one thing it’d be another.(Read Dr. Seuss’s, “Sneeches on the Beaches”)
If we would put more truth into our own history as humans. In would be of great use. Keep humanity from falling back into the same mistakes. Over and over.
History has been reduced to a collection of lies that everyone of that culture, (whatever it be)
Agree on. Really, a nightmare we should all wake up from.
History re-written TODAY, and the generation after next will, and have accepted it as truth. Not just truth, but this has always been, “The Truth”.
The, “Solar Myth” that taught sailors to navigate the seas and oceans. Helped farmers, helped everyone in some way or another…It has been reduced to a Religious Myth, turning all the movements of the stars and heavens into commercial holidays.
Why did the original Christians forbid stargazing?
Why didn’t the original Christians want people to see even their own naked body? This caused a lot of nasty, dirty, disease spreading stinky-ness. Queen Isabella of Spain was said to have taken only three baths in her life? ….But then again…WHAT can we believe?
Our history is lies.
Christianity is the very thing that launched the world into the, “Dark Ages”.
Believe in the blood of my redeemer or I’ll drown you in your own. That is and has always been, “The Christian Way”.
A snake somehow communicated with Eve. But…God punished this creature by divinely removing it’s legs and it would forever be forced to crawl on it’s belly. So was it a snake?
So Eve upon the advice, “from a snake with legs of some type”, told Adam to eat from the only tree God forbid them to partake of. The tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
Why would a being that supposedly shapes universes do this? Why run this little, “You’d had just better listen to me “ test? Why wouldn’t This God want us to have this knowledge? Why tempt and tease?
Adam ate, and God gave humans quite an education. Death, light, dark, hunting, farming, challenging winter, A million ways to suffer and die. They learned language, reading, writing, biology, chemistry, physics, genetic codes and the secrets contained therein. The exquisite horrors of brain tumors, Plagues of all kinds, muscular dystrophy, caner gone crazy through their bodies. The unimaginable horrors of what humans can do to other humans in war and peace.
Tragic accidents of all kind, etc., etc., etc..
You fuckin’ humans want knowledge, God is a demon for learning. An enthusiastic teacher.
God will , “make you know” in exotic detail, so heavy the knowledge itself crushes some of the strongest minds, the strongest bodies, and the firmest believers.
Do you think ANY of this will stop because YOU might think it unjust, fuck you; think again.
God will not remove a single curse because of what anyone thinks, or how “god-damn” hard they pray. (Or whatever devotion given)
Please, don’t think nature is going to take us in it’s arms and save us from OURSELFS! Especially after what humans have done to it. Nature created humans. Natures amusements are cruel. Killing is not an invention of man, but of nature. The color of nature is NOT GREEN it’s Blood Red. The choice for all that lives for the most part is, death, or DEATH. Dying of starvation or killing for a meal.
Ants make war and either massacre or enslave rival swarms. Cichlid fish gang up and attack outsiders. Wolf packs corner and dismember prey. Groups of lizards pick on a formerly regal member of the clan that has become disfigured by the loss of it’s tail. Female bees chase an overage queen through the corridors of the hive, biting over and over , till she’s dead. (Etc., Etc..)
Birds that eat baby turtles are not sadistic creatures whose instincts have been twisted by an overdose of TV. Their doing the same thing, “all that lives” is doing…trying to survive.
The food chain.
Survival of the fittest.
Natural selection. (Survival of the richest?)
Each human is built with all they need to be either master or slave, a beggar or a king. Most of us end up somewhere in the middle…or more toward the slave end. As we get older, most humans carry an increasing burden of resentment for what they fail to have, or failed to achieve.
Every society gives permission to HATE.
The politician that channels hatred leads society around by the nose. Politics is a systematic organization of hatreds.
Now human population was growing and the society thing was in place. The amount of people took up much more area. Resolving conflicts became much more complicated.
Government, a centralized hereditary. An elite ruling class having a monopoly of force and information. They would solve the problems of conflict. They would be the ones to hand-cuff hostility. In exchange for this imprisonment of anger, we get a set of outsiders to loath and sometimes kill. The ENEMIES.
Jesus gave permission to frown upon the rich.
Medieval Christianity gave permission to hate heathens. (1059 Pope Gregory sends out the crusaders to push back the Islamic hordes-that goes on to this day.)
Islam hates infidels.
Marxism gives the have-not permission to hate the, “Haves”.
Unions hate bosses.
Peace groups hate militarists
Conservatives hate liberals.
This type of information can go on almost endlessly.
Each group blames a good portion of the worlds problems on another and their hatred becomes a virtue
So to sum this up, the instinctual, parts of our brain, inherited by our most ancient ancestors are still at work inside our minds on different levels.
The cells, genes, that formed life and ultimately evolved to humans, continue to make humans unwitting cells in a super organism, that is society.
The society is preventing the individual evolution of human beings.
Page #9
Let me finish this up….
So we got a never ending war for peace. What the fuck happened to “The white European”.
White expansion, the takeover and elimination of almost all indigenous tribal peoples.
The colonization of the world. Tolitataration agriculture.
We never speak of holocaust or genocide when referring to the fate of the Native Americans.
That is just what it was, Merciless casual murder.
Now “the Ruling Elite” who ever they are run the show. They are the puppet masters.
If you think your elected officials have any REAL power, you are very naive. Brainwashed, conditioned, and just plain stupid.
The population keeps doubling, and doubling. From 1960 to 1996 the population of the world doubled. Speculate on how and where, when, why, who, all the obvious questions; on the out come of this?
Our history is really just war, starvation, sickness, etc., etc., etc..
We are mapping the earth from satellites what is fit for human food production and what is not.
How many times, and to how many different civilizations has this occurred ?
It is the differences we create between ourselves that cause so much suffering.
It is your own government that lies and keeps you chained to a downward spiral.
It is society itself that is using YOU and ME. Imposing it’s chains, while they convince Humans they are FREE.
It is society that is preventing the evolution of the individual humans.
You need change, start with yourself.
Then “TRY” teaching your children peace and truth, if you can even find it.
I encourage you to research everything written herein.
A lifetime of studying on this makes it so my sources of references would equal
The content of what I’ve written.
For the sake of generations to come, for the sake of yourself, believe me.
I’m trying to help. No one is paying me, nor have I anything to gain by misleading anyone.
What is my primary concern is the world of my children, your children, our host, “The Earth”.
Thank you,
Love and Everything Positive to all that lives, human and otherwise.
-Finally Finished-
Robert Keith Allen May, 2011
Friday, July 27, 2012
“The Living Paintings, vol,1 & vol.2”
It took 56 small collages, 71 pieces of art I created, painting drawing, etc. Note the amount of time This would have taken. Bit of carefully edited film. Film shot in a regular way. The film composed of the art & collages. It could take an hour or more to pull off, 40 to 50 seconds of film.
Now the soundtrack. Each contain a spoken word part & songs. These in themselves were no small feat, but still a labor of love. “Art for Arts Sake”. Twelve tracks of analog audio run into a 24 track mastering station. Consider the time composing music, writing lyric, going through countless hours of sound effects in my library . There is no accidents in these pieces of art, these, “Living Paintings” Listen carefully, everything is there, and where it is for a reason.
Now last but not least, the studying, the manuals, the film & recording process. All this to bring an Idea to life
To think is to create, following that is the desire to manifest the thought into reality. Then the reality.
Robert K. Allen Feb. 28, 2011
TAGS=roballen2 allentheartist roballen2writings roballen2artwork roballen2video roballen2music
It took 56 small collages, 71 pieces of art I created, painting drawing, etc. Note the amount of time This would have taken. Bit of carefully edited film. Film shot in a regular way. The film composed of the art & collages. It could take an hour or more to pull off, 40 to 50 seconds of film.
Now the soundtrack. Each contain a spoken word part & songs. These in themselves were no small feat, but still a labor of love. “Art for Arts Sake”. Twelve tracks of analog audio run into a 24 track mastering station. Consider the time composing music, writing lyric, going through countless hours of sound effects in my library . There is no accidents in these pieces of art, these, “Living Paintings” Listen carefully, everything is there, and where it is for a reason.
Now last but not least, the studying, the manuals, the film & recording process. All this to bring an Idea to life
To think is to create, following that is the desire to manifest the thought into reality. Then the reality.
Robert K. Allen Feb. 28, 2011
TAGS=roballen2 allentheartist roballen2writings roballen2artwork roballen2video roballen2music
"The Death of the Hippie
The video I speak of, "Mr. Manson telling the D.A. how he made up the "Helter Skeleter" thing, It is NO LONGER on "You Tube" 'SOMEBODY' is censoring the internet. I hope "Wattpad" hold to OUR 1st amendment rights and keeps the current one posted.
The new video. Fucked up. They monitor what I write so much...This is made After roballen2 wrote this. When if you see them, "Later" looking for OTHER victims, they are doing it with a bulldozer.(?)
....are they REALLY looking for other victims or covering up their own incompetence?
The press and the DA pinned that "Helter Skelter" label on this shit. Millions of dollars in book rights, movie rights etc., etc.. Money is still being made of this atrocious crime. Sheeple will never stop being entertained by the misery of others. L.A. (Daughter of roballen2)
Read on.
"The Death Of the Hippie" By Roberto Dilemma 1-2011
First off, let me state here for the record. NO ONE IS PAYING ME TO WRITE THIS. I AM NOT ASSIGNED TO WRITE THIS FOR ANY PROJECT OF ANY KIND.(involving any journalism contract, or student activities)
1-A Rough Start
Charles Mills Manson was born on Nov.12,1934. His mother’s name was Kathy Maddox. For the first few days of his life he was referred to by hospital staff as, no name baby Maddox. He probably never knew who his real father was. He possibly never even met him. His mother was living with a man for a time by the name of William Manson. Hence, the last name, “Manson”.
When he was a very young child his mother was arrested for robbing a gas station with her brother. She was sentenced to five years in prison. While she was in jail Charles Manson lived with an aunt. His mother was paroled in 1942.
This would have made the boy, Charles Manson, eight years old at the time.
In a 1981 interview with Tom Snyder, Mr. Manson himself said, “This is the sole sappy memory I have of childhood”. In 1947 at age 13, his mother turned him over to the state to be placed in a foster home. There would be no foster home for this 13 year old boy. He was placed in the, “Gibault School for Boys”. After ten months there he ran away to be with his mother. She rejected him. Now you have to think about that for a moment. First, when his only, “sappy memory of childhood” was his mother’s embrace upon being paroled from prison.
She gives him up.
After trying to get back to the only person he thought loved him, he was cast aside, and rudely rejected.
What affect would that have on a kids mind?
What affect would it have on YOUR mind?
I am not defending Charles Manson. I am not Stating that he should not be where he is. My intention here is to for once, put it in the proper light.
2-The Start of Manson’s, “Big Time” criminal Career
Charles Manson Again breaks out of the school for boys he was living in.
He breaks into a grocery store, for money to rent a room. He is caught and sent to, “Indianapolis Juvenile Center”. He escapes after one day there and is placed in, “Boys Town”. He spend four days there and escapes again with another boy.
On the way to this other boys uncle’s house, where they no doubt thought they’d be accepted. They commit two armed robberies. Then during the, “break in” of a second grocery store, they were caught.
Mr. Manson and the other boy, needed FOOD. Food and probably money. How much money do you think they left in a grocery store in the 1940’s after it was closed? Enough to make change for the next days till. I think I’d be safe in saying their prime motivation was feeding themselves when they were very hungry and, “on the lamb”.
So at 13 years old he is sent to, “Indiana Boys School” where he was first documented as being, “sexually Brutalized”. (first time, “on record”)
Now let this sink in your heads a minute. I been pretty cool so far in just giving you the facts. But now I’m at a point where I feel a need to interject opinion.
Charles Manson’s childhood, up to this point; sounds like one hell of a, “mind-fuck mess“. Off the record is no doubt worse.
After many failed attempts to escape this new, “hell pit” they put young Manson in, he succeeds. With a couple other boys they get out, steal a car, break into a couple gas stations. They get caught in Utah. Now it’s a federal crime and he’ll be treated as an adult.
After four years of schooling, here and there. “On record” as an avid reader. Learning many jail-house games, from young men much worse then he was, “criminal wise”. Not to mention how he was treated by fucked up cops, authority figures etc., etc.. Physical, sexual, and mental abuse, to the maximum.
How do you think this would affect YOUR, “worldview”?
What effect do you think this would have on anyone’s, “self Image”?
He gets an I.Q. test. On the first one he scores 109. A short time later he’s given another, he re-tested at 121.
This is very smart for a young person making such bad decisions, all the time.
For reasons unknown some, “caseworker” deemed him illiterate, and aggressively anti-social. “No Shit” Makes me wonder what he might have said to this case-worker? He’d been fucked with, and jacked around by every authority figure, and the very ones that were, “suppose” to love him. No fuckin’ shit he’s anti-social. Illiterate, no way. If that was the case how could he even have taken an I.Q. test and score so high?
3Dashed Hope/Government Involvement
He finally gets out of all this mess. He still holds onto a hope for a, “Normal” life. He finds his mother. Re-connects with her. He gets married. For about one year he has a happy life with a woman he truly feels love and affection for.
Any thinking person would have to wonder, “what the hell would Charles Manson, after all he‘s been through…so far, equate with love”?
One thing we can take for granted here. He’s become much smarter. His I.Q. is no doubt much higher.
His wife gets pregnant. She gives birth to a son. They name him after his father.
He’s doing odd jobs. Money’s tight. He attempts to forge a check. He gets caught. Ten years in prison. Being a thinking person myself, and having researched this this much further then I’ll write, or even like to admit.
This was a time when many drugs, etc. were tested on prisoners. (soldiers, volunteers, etc..) If you read between the lines. L.S.D. and similar, mind altering drugs were the governments choice for drug testing then. The C.I.A. the F.B.I and a number of other, “Medical” companies and organizations under different names. For many reasons, were all doing different types of research. Some “Good” while most, especially those associated with “The Government” were, “BAD”.
They were trying to create mindless soldiers that could kill without thought or conscience.
Just think about this for a while. Take a minute and do some research. What do you think might have been tested on Mr. Manson, knowingly or unknowingly? Who do you think was really responsible for dropping massive doses of LSD, etc. on college campus throughout the U.S.A.
Well needless to say that shit back fired on them. Young people with increased awareness, and a certain level of intelligence DID NOT suddenly become ultra-patriotic. The saw through the bull shit, too many friends coming back in body bags, and Flag draped coffins. I lived through these days. They had what they call, “A Generation Gap”.
That was a wide space between, the new way of thinking, and the Conservative
Old Guard .
This was a time of a mini cultural renaissance, in art, music, fashion, etc..
Young people got thrown out of their parents house and un-welcome, for dressing the wrong way, smoking pot, listening to the wrong type of music. Or simply having a different attitude then their parents, Different politics.
They were not in any hurry to go die in a money war, that had never been declared. One which the U.S. was fighting for vague reasons.
The very drug, a legal prescription drug made by “Sandoz” labs, that was put on college campuses to help with, “Mind Control” and “Behavior Modification” just increased the young peoples awareness of how very wrong their own government had become. L.S.D. This was, and could be a very helpful medication for a lot of varying conditions, shutting it out IS NOT A GOOD THING.
His wife visits for the first year. Gives him reports of how his son is doing. Then after a year the visits stop. His mother comes to give him the news, his wife is now with another man. She is going to get a divorce. Which she does, and promptly disappears.
4-Setting up, “The Death of the Hippie”.
In 1966 he’s sent to, “Terminal Island”. By the time they grant him early release
In March 1967, he has spent more then half his life in prisons and institutions.
He tells authorities, “prison has become my home“. He requested to stay.
Let me repeat that so it sinks into your heads, HE REQUESTED TO STAY.
Never for one second let yourself think, or believe that in all the time Mr. Manson spent in prisons, etc., that he didn’t have, “A Plan”.
Even requesting to stay in prison, was the beginning of his,” Plan”.
Don’t doubt for a minute the government didn’t know exactly what they were doing. This was a mutually parasitic relationship between these two parties. The government KNEW, they were using and playing Mr. Manson.
The one factor they didn’t figure into “Their Plan” was the FACT, Mr. Manson was equally, or to a greater extent, “playing Them”.
In prison, Alvin “Creepy” Karpis taught him steel guitar. Gave him his start learning the instrument.
Mr. Karpis was nicknamed, “Creepy” because of his smile. He was the last of the, “Public Enemies” to be arrested. He ran with the, “Barker Gang” of, “Ma Barker fame.
His early release comes in march 1967. He’s granted permission to move to San Francisco. With the help of a prison acquaintance, he gets an apartment in Berkeley.
This was also another government ploy. They take this, “described” anti-social
ex-con. They know how he thinks to a certain extent. He’s asked to stay in prison, stated it had become his home. Then they set him down in the HEART of the “Hippie” scene. It was the spring before, “The Sumer of Love”. He was a time bomb. You can be sure, the manipulative, charismatic, Mr. Manson had part in steering this arrangement. It was what he wanted. It would work in his favor.
With his intelligence, talent at songwriting, guitar, and manipulating impressionable young people using, “Jail House Games”. Charles Manson soon established himself as a Guru in Haight-Ashbury during the, “Summer of Love”.
He also carries THE prison house “mantra” in his head, “payback is a mother fucker”.
Now one thing I’d like to point out here. Charles Manson NEVER hurt or killed anyone, while committing, Mostly petty crimes. The majority of which were committed as a minor. He was NOT a KILLER. He didn’t do any crazy slicing and dicing. He didn’t even beat people up. (outside of jail or juvie) Keep this in mind.
No where on his public criminal record is there a violent crime.
This is what is, “ON RECORD”. Now anyone that has ever done anything wrong, KNOWS. What they got you for is NOTHING compared to what you got away with. It’s usually not even the tip of the iceberg. It’s what THEY don’t know. What a clever person didn’t get caught for, that’s always MORE & worse then what is known.
So he goes about collecting pretty young hippie girls/women.
Now Charles Manson didn’t just collect pretty young hippy girls, there was also a few young men in, “The Family”. What they all had in common was: they were discarded by their families, thrown out like garbage. They were highly intelligent and had a bend toward, insanity, violence, and the macabre.
The main players=Charles “Tex” Watson, Susan Atkins (Sexy Sadie),Linda Kasabian, Patricica Krenwinkel & Charles Manson.
There were many, many others, big players, Lynette “squeaky” Fromm, Steve Crogan, Etc., and bit players too…but this is not going to get me to the point I want to make…in the time I want to make it.
Well the family got around. They met a lot of very talented, very famous people of that time. Dennis Wilson, the drummer and brother of Brian and Carl Wilson, the nuclease, and founding members of, “The Beach Boys”.
He let them stay with him for a while. He shelled out (appox.) $21,00.00 for V.D. treatments for “The Family”. Gave Mr. Manson almost all his earthly possessions,
Including his gold records.
Mr. Manson is a very charismatic fellow.
Dennis Wilson also introduced them to powerful, and influencale people in the recording business at that time..
5-indirectly Responsible
Terry Melcher was one of these people. He was a record producer, and no one mentions this too often but the son of Doris Day (A pretty big movie star in her day) Glad that day is over.
While they were staying in a Conaga Park house, Mr. Melcher was suppose to pay them a visit. An audition of sorts. They cleaned the place up nice. The women/girls cooked a very good meal. They were ready to wine & dine, Suck, fuck, eat him and scratch him where the scars won’t show. A good time was to be had by all. They practiced all the songs. They got prepared.
Mother Fucker never showed up.
Fuck, disappointment.
This, “white bread” mother fucker, pampered, rich, suite, piss-fuk, didn’t show up.
Now that might not be the way that you would see it, or think it. But…some people would. “At that time, I’m not knocking it or putting it down. I’m just saying it, it’s a fact”
So maybe? He gets word? They got REAL ready and they were REAL disappointed. (Think he gave a shit about that?) Maybe he gets a different word. He could have got fucked, sucked done anything he wanted to any woman, man or everyone, and he fuckin’ blew it. Now that’s probably more like it. Or the word, they are crazy and pissed!!! I think your in trouble. I don’t believe those words were going around yet. Or another word. The one in his suite wearin’, white bread head. Damn kids had charisma, the little bearded Guru Guy was Great, with his music, the ladies…I COULD HAVE MADE A LOT OF MONEY$$$$ …or maybe a little bit of all that shit, …fuck us!, we don’t know the half of it!
Well on May 18th 1969, Terry Melcher finally visited, “Spahn Ranch”. Which was where Mr. Manson and his family were now living. It was an old movie set where they use to film westerns. An old guy owed it, by the name of, George Spahn. He was very old and nearly blind. “The Family” helped take care of him.
Mr. Terry Melcher brought a friend along. He had a mobile recording unit.
He recorded Mr. Manson and the girls singing. I’m sure he was treated, “Very Special” by the members of the “Family”. I’m sure they all got real stoned, had a good time. A lot of things were said. When all was said and done. The most important thing Mr. Melcher said was, “I’ll get back with you”.
He didn’t. Then he must have done something else. Perhaps he gave them some shit about their music. I sure they would have tried to contact him. Somehow, for some reason, he blew them off. This wouldn’t have been what they were expecting.
Why the hell am I getting into all this shit about this guy?
Well…He use to live at 10050 Cielo drive. He rented that house to Sharon Tate and her husband, Roman Polanski. This is the address where Sharon Tate and five friends were murdered, in a most bloody and dramatic way.
Did they think, Terry Melcher Was there? No. Where was all the tape? Were they even using tape. What happened to the recordings. They would have surfaced by now.
Manson knew Melcher didn’t live there anymore, he just knew someone rich live there. He knew Melcher moved to Malibu, he claimed he didn’t know exactly where.
6-The First Raid
The first time the cops raided “Spahn Ranch” it was for suspected auto theft.
While they were holding key members of, “The Family” three other “family” women were arrested for credit card theft; and false identity. They had a stack of credit cards, and a stack of I.D.s. Who did these belong too? Where were these people who didn’t report their credit cards and I.D.s missing?
I went into the files of the California Justice Department. I went into the public record of the California Attorney General’s office. All information concerning missing persons, and unsolved murders from late 1968 through 1972 said the same thing. “This page has been deleted”.
The Murders and the auto theft arrest was thought “un-related” by law enforcement. The members of the family, including Mr. Manson were released.
Now keep this credit card thing in mind.
(Atrocious Murders)
Now if your not familiar with the crimes of, “The Family” and Mr. Manson; go to Wipapedia and brush up.
This is a SHORT essay. I will not get into the atrocities of the, “Tate, 5 others and The La Bianca” murders, It was a bloody bad-wrongness. Let it suffice to say, it’s rivals the Nazi’s, The Inquisition, Genghis Kahn’s cruelty or any especially bad things humans have done to one another throughout history.
Now the other, “Family” murder, (ON RECORD) is Gary Hinman. “That was payback for a dope deal gone bad”. One of the main jailed murderers involved, Bobby Beausuleil said just that in a “Oui Magazine” interview.
Hinman was suppose to sell them $1000.00 dollars worth of mescaline. He ripped them off. Sold them strychnine.
When Gary Hinmans body was discovered. Tex Watson, the main killer in this murder was picked up just a short drive away. Sleeping in the victims car. Bloody, crashed out. He still had the knife that was one of the murder weapons. Look up the rest. I’m not here to make that point either.
7-Second Raid, Rounding up Killer Freaks.
So…Spahn Ranch gets raided, “AGAIN”. They arrest the whole “Family”.
I’m not writing gore for money so, no details. Let it suffice to say, Susan Atkins did, “set design“, etc. with all the victims blood“. She was involved in all the murders. She bragged about the murders to a couple other women she was locked up with. They informed the cops. Miss Atkins implicated herself for this INSANELY CRUEL murder while being questioned by police. She gave shocking details in her testimony. Always seeming proud, and even happy about what she had done. This is part of, “Public Record”. If your one that likes to be horrified, shocked, and appalled; by all means look it up.
What the fuck does this say to you…The Reader. These murders were a point of pride she wanted to claim.
So now they got, Charles “Tex” Watson, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, Patricia Kenwinkel…and Mr. Charles Manson.
Manson wasn’t even there when these murders took place. He may or may not have threatened Gary Hinman. There is absolutely no evidence to say he was there. Although by most accounts he was there at the beginning, of the Hinman encounter, not for the murder.
Why was he tried for all those crazy-ass slasher murders?
The girls said, “Charlie told us to do it”.
Now Mr. Charles Manson, (or so “THEY” say) says, “The Beatles”, yes…the Famous, fab four, the darlings of the decade. “They told him to direct these young people to kill. “
“They did it through secret messages hidden on, “The White Album”
I think, “The Establishment” at that time saw, “The Beatles” as the main group spearheading this counter culture, “Revolution”. They grew their hair long, all the young people grew their hair long. They advocated POT smoking, and all the kids now wanted to smoke pot. They took LSD, admitted it…and the youth of the world followed. There’s no doubt they had a lot to do with the advancements in music and culture. They were a reflection of the times. In a lot of instances they were just bringing to the fore front, the underground movements that were already occurring. They certainly didn’t flood amerikan campuses with LSD.
But they would make a handy scapegoat and perhaps while the hippie fire was being stomped out, the powers that be could topple these idols of the time.
White kids that like, “The Beatles”, that was a very, very, common thing.
The Beatles were subpoena by the court, their press person at the time, Peter Brown, replied something to the effect that not one member of the group would be in the middle of some dumb ass media circus, and that if they had a nickel for every freak that heard messages in Beatles albums they wouldn’t need to make any more, because they’d be richer then anyone could imagine.
Well the Cali/L.A. media and cops got it all now. Witches, a Guru, SEX, drugs,
Horror show murder, celebrities, and Rock & Roll…and not just Rock & Roll…the most popular band then, ever …so far.
In a film encounter with the DA, you hear Mr. Charles Manson yelling at the DA, “You made all this, “Helter Skelter shit up…good press, nice label, your lucky I’m going along with it.” (something to that effect) This bit of film is posted on, “You Tube” right now. Check it out before the ruling elite takes control of the internet and pulls it. While they pull away our first amendment rights, and remove anything else that makes, “Big Government” look bad. Bottom line, This, “Helter Skelter” label was a type of “marketing ploy” by the newspapers and Law enforcement groups. Notice, there’s always a nick name, a clever moniker given to all big time murders. (and serial murders being written about in the press while still under investigation) There always has been.
8-”Let The Pig Circus Begin!”
So while they are holding Mr. Manson and His “Family”. He’s got his followers out in the street. A bunch of raggedy-ass hippy chicks, “Free Charles Manson”. He’s got long hair and a beard. The government run media, (Then & now) jump on this like flies on a steamin’ shit log. They been trying and wanting to beat this hippie fire out since “THEY” started it. (by doing LSD tests in college labs on college kids)
Mr. Manson, is called a guru in the press, a christ-like father figure to these, “Young” hippy girls. Satan…the father of all their children.
Could it have been their own cast off children, their throwaway trash kids. Most were from good families, educated. Could they have been the real “Mind-less cut ’em up‘s” without their leader, this ex con…this “career criminal”. No not their throw away kids.
Mr. Manson would be a perfect scapegoat. Gave them drugs, like they wouldn’t have been doing them anyway. He brainwashed them. Yes, that would be the angle.
9-A Dead Movement/”Peace, was just a FAD.
Now let me finally make my god-damn fuckin’ point here.
Have you ever cleaned and gutted a fish? How’d you like that the first time?
Most of you never done it. Now lets take that a step further. Have you ever gutted and butchered a deer? Most of you hunters have. Did you like digging those steaming guts out the first time? Did you ever really get used to it?
Well read the details of what the Girls in, “The Family” did during these
Horror show murders.
This is NOT a natural thing for a human to do, to any living thing. This is especially a nasty thing to do to another human.
POINT BEING…IT WOULD TAKE PRATICE. A type of conditioning that would take months or longer.
NOW…On the day the verdict was laid down for Mr. Manson and his girls,
A badly decomposed body was found between two large rocks, right in the neighborhood of the court house. YES, some man that worked for the L.A. court system gave Mr. Manson some shit.
In 1977 one of the men up for parole disclosed the location of another body. A Hollywood stunt man in his early thirties, they dug him up. The body was right where they were told it’d be.
Now if the D.A. wasn’t so fuckin’ Hollywood. Working on his million dollar book deal, lets not forget, “The Movie Rights”
If the god-damn police wouldn’t have been so busy mugging for the fuckin’ cameras. The whole Pig Circus going for, “Face Time” on T.V..
Maybe it should have entered their tiny little brains that the fuckin’ desert
was full of bodies. A lot of missing persons cases could have been solve with that move. Remember the girls that got caught with the pile of stolen credit cards and different I.D.’s? Did they even think of checking those against some missing persons. NO.
Too busy making money, mugging for the media Now this had gone world wide.
Then you got to think, the “Manson Family” girls and guys were from good families. There was also a lot of money getting thrown around to just let things be.
Now let me put forth the TRUTH. On some level of government agency, “They” chose to set Mr. Charles Manson down in the middle of the hippie hot-spot of the world. They knew he would do something. He didn’t want to leave jail in the first place. They under estimated him. They didn’t think he’d take their own children and turn them into mindless slashers, horror show murdering freaks.
Well that’s just what he done.
Well the desert is a dry place. I’ve lived there myself. There’s still a lot of mummified corpses out there. Family practicing, for when, “Helter Skelter” comes down.
During his time out he got a lot of pussy, got stoned beyond belief. Couldn’t have had more fun spending other peoples money. Became world famous. The, “Beach Boys” covered one of his songs on the “B” side of one of their 45’s. It’s been covered by Axl Rose, and quite a few other groups.
He got the attention of the world, he’s still getting it.
That’s why I state in the beginning of this…NO ONE IS PAYING ME SHIT!
There’s a lot of cock suckers still making money off what happen when the system “Killed” the hippie.
Because that’s what they wanted to do. They succeeded there. People no longer thought of hippies as…peace, free love….flowers in their hair. Fuck no.
They couldn’t even look at each other without a certain suspicion.
The old guard that had just laughed them off at “Woodstock” were now downright afraid of them. Long hairs…fuckin’ drug crazed maniacs!
All this and Mr. Manson got to go home. Back to the prison he didn’t want to leave in the first place.
Humans can be down right fucked up. Much more extensive then just unpleasant behavior. I can not believe they are naturally atrocious.
That takes practice, conditioning, training. They have to train, use behavior modification drugs, psychological mind fucks, and no telling what other modern techniques to make soldiers, infantry personal, etc. accept their enemy as something, “Less then human”. “SomeTHING” to be exterminated, mercilessly, with no respect for life.
There’s still a lot of mummified corpses in that desert. A lot.
Get off your ass, if you curious, research this in full, this isn’t even the half of it!
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