art, writings, video, Music, and various expressions in every medium of expression that can be posted by roballen2 allentheartist roballen2writing robalen2artwork roballen2music roballen2videos
what is , is all that need be

If I told you what it means to me, It would change what it menans to yoy
Sunday, August 5, 2012
"The Leather Clown" (Roberto Delimma)
New Questions (roballen2)
Now this is for all people. Women if they are thinking about doing this kind of thing.
Men if they have a woman they love, that is thinking about, or does these things.
The Leather Clown
Your woman wants to get into this NEW, S&M thing. She wants to dress up like a clown and “discipline” you.
This is easy because they are Yes & No answers.
1- She wants to buy a $248.00 dollar pair of Big, (Very Big) Bright red clown shoes?
a=yes b=No
2-You gotten her the shoes and now she wants you to lick the shoe heal, (Which she calls a boot heal” ) She holds it over your mouth & face and says, “LICK THE BOOTHEAL OF THE TRYRANT CLOWN”. would you.
A=Yes b=No
3-She wants to spend a considerable sum on clown clothes, Black fishnets. A whip.
A black “Peek-a-boo bra” a very colorful halter dress. (to go with her shoes…of coarse)
a=yes b=no
so far… By some freaky bad-craziness you went along with all this.
Because…you love her. (no offense to ALL of you folks that are heavy into this type of thing, “It’s all good”!)
4-Now she wants a pink poodle dog, or white one, and she’ll dye it pink. $742.00
a=yeas b= no
5-Now she wants to buy a very, very expensive….very little car. Especially for clowns with a false bottom in it. It cost (Used) as much as a “Mini Cooper New”.
a=yeas b=no
6-Now she’s acquired an old fashioned Seltzer Bottle at a second hand store, she want to see how you like it when she squirts it right in your “Butt Hole”!
a=yes b=no
7-Now she wants to hire prostitute midgets of both sexes, to help her.
a=yeas b=no
8-Now she wants to chase you around the house in the little car to a spot where you hired contractors to put in a sliding trap door, so all the whore midgets can get out of the car and tie you up.
a=yes b=no
9-Now she’s got you licking her big red clown shoe, letting the little clown whores tie you up. She is squirting a seltzer bottle up your butt, you poop.
a=yes b=no
10-She wants you to let her rub beef gravy on your balls, so the little pink poodle (that she spent YOUR money to have trained to “YAP…YAP’ and do back flips) so it nibbles and bites on your nuts?
a=yes b=no
11-She wants to hire a very professional & Expensive film crew to film the whole act. It’s gotten quite involved with you doing to male midget clowns whatever she commands you. Which has gotten quite bizarre.
She wants to show this film at the next family reunion?
a=yes b=no
Think about your answers carefully. Now remember, this is a woman you love very much. The first to “POOOOOOP’ that cherry boy nut of yours. (and when that shit happen, the lost boys heard you in never-never land, as did Snow White)
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