art, writings, video, Music, and various expressions in every medium of expression that can be posted by roballen2 allentheartist roballen2writing robalen2artwork roballen2music roballen2videos
what is , is all that need be

If I told you what it means to me, It would change what it menans to yoy
Sunday, August 5, 2012
"You Have To Read This!" (Roberto Delimma)
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The 6 & Davidson Series- Vol. 6
“100% True Story”
Fuck the disclaimers. Fuck hiding behind the bullshit.
This is a true story. I lived this god-damn life.
Everything about this shit happened just like you’ll be reading it.
It has adult situations. Corse language…and just plain
Bad craziness. To title this chapter would be to, “Give it away”.
I would like the reader to be some what as surprised as I was.
“You Have to Read This!” (Roberto Dilemma)
Once in the early 1970 s I was walking down a Detroit street in the middle of the night. It was summer and the weather was good. I figure it was about two in the mourning.
Now I’m diddy-boppin’ just like I did back on the block.
With this cool kind of inspired dance step as I walked. Music was happening in my head. I was tripping on some acid that was called “Bulls-eye” blots. It was good, clean and came on paper. It had a bulls-eye pattern. I think the acid was in the ink.
You could tell how fresh it was because after a while the chemist made new batches in different colors.
I had a little under a thousand of these fuckers in my Freezer. The only trip I was carrying, was already in my head. I also had about a half ounce of spicy Mexican weed tucked in my pants, somewhere behind my balls.
Now a shit brown, ugly ass old Chrysler Fury started riding slow behind me. This worried me for a fraction of a second because I was thinking, pigs drive those kind of cars. Then another thought came to me. Their cars are not that old and never that ragged out.
Now I’m on the side walk. This car gets even with me…I look at it. There’s two chicks in it.
The girl driving speaks out, “Hey aren’t you one of the Allen Brothers”?
I answer, “I am the main Allen brother”.
Then the girl says, “Where’s Rick”?
I walk up to the car. There’s a tall shapely girl driving, seemed like she’s buzzin’. There was another smaller girl with dark eyes and dark wavy hair riding with
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I asked the driver, who seemed to be doing the talking, “Who are you”?
She says, “My name is Cherie ****”(last name deleted at publishers insistence)
I run this shit through the files in my mind. Oh yes, I heard of her. Another friend named Tom (who has since killed himself) mentioned once how he saw my brother, “Making out like a big dog” in an art class with this girl.
Again she asked, “Where’s Rick”?
Now Rick was the pretty boy. Always copped the current style and attitude. He happened to be hiding out at the time. An attempt to rob a dope house of ten pounds of good smoke and 5ooo hits of different blotter acid.
That’s a whole different story. One that I might get around to writing about, but not now.
I’m feeling this whole situation out. I can’t seem to see either of them clearly. I asked them to turn on the dome light for a minute. So the driver, Cherie does.
I look at them both. The little one seems shy. Dark eyes. She won’t meet my glance. Seems to keep looking at her shoes or something. Not my kind….for sure. Now the driver, She looks kind of pretty. I just can’t get past the fuckin’ green plague on her teeth. It was going through my mind how funky her breath must smell. The other thing was, Rick must have been one drunk mother fucker that day in school to be kissing that mouth. “Good Lawrd!”
She must have had some kind of feeling I was staring at her nasty teeth. She shut the dome light off.
About that same time I was thinking, God Damn, if that’s how she takes care of the parts of herself you can see….and, I got too much respect for my cock to even fuck that nasty mouth.
She breaks into this little train of thought I was having.
“I heard he was in jail”, she says.
“No on vacation” I reply.
“Fuck you, I know he’s in jail, wanna go for a ride with us”?
This gets some different wheels turning in my acid soaked brain.
I miss my Brother.
I got a good size chunk of Blond Hash at my apartment.
Plus that trip in the freezer.
Again, trying to coax me, “Come on for a ride with us”.
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“We got some beeeer”.
Well I didn’t drink then. Got turned off of that buzz on a night of puking. ’Ol Harvey Wallbanger kicked my brains in at a New Years eve party. I didn’t drink again for about sixteen years. I still can stand the taste of orange juice.
I used to love it.
“No, go on, fuck the beers; I don’t drink anyway”.
Now this green tooth hussy is getting insistent.
“Come on, you’ll be happy you do”.
I highly doubted this. But…. I ask them,
“How much gas you got in that pig bitch car & how much money you have”?
Cherie answers, “The tanks almost full, and we got the money to fill it up at least a couple more times, and buy another twelve pack”.
I tell her, “ I got trip, good smoke, and a bit of coin myself. How bad you wanna see Rick”.
“You just come on with us”, she says.
I tell her, “hey, I’ll take you to see Rick. He less then two hours from here, up north. Staying right off the big lake“.
Now Rick had been up there for about two weeks. Laying low until the heat was off.
I knew the way he consumed drugs, booze and money…
Shit had to be getting a bit tight with him.
Then he’s never been a good pussy hunter. He did drink. He had his guitar with him. Who knows? He was making out with her in art class.
She says, “Ok, lets go see him. I got till Tuesday late afternoon”.
It was Friday.
Now at the time I had a girl friend. I had no idea then how fucked up she was. She was talented at playing “Snow White”. Never-the-Less…
I told Cheri, “We are going to pick up my guitar, grab some dope, and swing by and get my girlfriend. What do you think of that?”
“GIRLFRIND?” she says. In a voice that anyone with a half of brain can imagine.
“Yea”, I tell her. “She’s coming with us, or I don’t give a fuck”
“I miss my brother, (and to cinch the deal) and he might need pussy, but if you don’t want to pick up my girlfriend”
“That I’m currently being faithful too, then fuck off”.
(adding this-like the lying dog I was at the time)
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She says, “Oh your sweet”. “We’ll get your girl and your guitar and the other shit, but this better not be a wild goose chase, I heard Rick was in Jail.”
“Yea, you keep sayin’ that” I got in. (The back)
First she goes by and picks up my girl. I give her the low down. She looks over the two in the front seat and just shakes her head.
Now I’m approaching, “The Brain Hour”…”The Peak of the trip”. I’m getting a little weirded out because Green teeth Cherie is driving like shit. I got real dope on me.
(Although I had stashed it in HER car) This driving she’s doing is going to get us in trouble. Like pulled over in trouble.
I say, “Why don’t you let me drive?”
“No way” she says, “your eyes are all pupil. Your tripping on your ass”
I thought she had a good point. So, another suggestion.
“Let my girlfriend drive, she’s relatively straight”.
“OK”, she answers. Then in a very quick change of places, My girl is in the drivers seat. Cherie is in the back seat with me. This isn’t quite how I thought it should be. I wanted to ride shot-gun, while Cheri and her no name whispering, flip trip, reject from “The Manson” family sat in back.
Well, one hussy, strumpet, hoochie mamma…surely knows another. Because my girl didn’t think that would be the way it happened. Very fast.
Now my girl keeps looking in the rearview. Cheri is trying to grope my cock every time my girl looks at the road.
Her freaky whispering friend, with the dark eyes, has everybody thrown off.
I see my girl checking the rearview. She keeps saying “WHAT”, “Huh” To this girl riding shot gun.
Now we’re all out in the middle of Bum-Fuk, No-wheres-ville. I not only want the seating arrangement to change. “QUICK”. I also have to take a piss.
I ask my girl. “Pull over, next good place you see, I gotta piss like a race horse”.
“Alright”, she says
“As soon as possible”, I reply
“YYEEESSS”, “ALRIGHT”, “I understand”
Next thing I know she pulling into a closed gas station.
I say, “Pull around toward the back, Get away from the building”. I don’t want anyone to think we’re up to no
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good, or stealing anything. In my head, we’ll just be there a couple minutes.
So I go to bounce around the corner. There’s a street light some distance from the building. It’s on the edge of the trees.
Under the pole of that street light is a pretty nice looking dog house. (As dog houses go)
Chained to that light pole.
With heavy duty tow chain. There was the biggest, strongest, loudest, fastest, German Sheppard I ever seen.
That dog seen me before I seen it. Charged fast.
That chained stopped it. It was pulling, and barking, and snarling.
Startled the living shit out of me. I’m surprised I didn’t piss myself right there and then.
I stepped back. Then seen I was right outside of a circle
Of dirt. The dog and chain had worn everything within
The length of chain down to the ground.
I stepped off to a place where I could piss without this dog going fuckin’ nuts.
As I was pissing I thought to myself. I’m surprised that god-damn dog didn’t pull that pole down.
Healthy ass dog. Someone takes good care of that dog.
I finish my piss, gave it a shake, put it away.
I go back to the car. I get to the car and Cherie, and my girlfriend are standing outside the car. I don’t think shit about it. I figure, getting some air, beautiful night, stretching their legs.
Then Cherie says, “I gotta take a piss too”.
I tell her, “Watch out for that big mother fuckin’ dog back there”.
She says nothing and goes to take her leak.
I’m not paying any attention to much but the sky. It seemed so clear. The stars were sparkling like diamonds.
I was trying to decide exactly what color I’d call that sky, not quite purple, a deep cobalt blue.
Then like from the end of some far away tunnel, comes my girlfriends voice. She talking shit a mile a minute. It’s sounding something like bitching. Just when I figure my talent for letting this kind of thing go right over my head, like- it’s not even making it in the first ear.
She puts her hands on my shoulders and starts again in a different tone. I’m pretty much forced to listen now.
So I look right at her.
Well the acid still had a pretty good grip on my mind
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And she looked weird and somewhat alien to me. I stood there looking at her, then I was watching her mouth move.
This was probably happening all at once. In my mind it wasn’t. It was coming down in steps…
She was saying, “as soon as you got out of that car to piss, that ugly slut was going to follow you”.
I wasn’t surprised. So I figure, they weren’t out there, “Taking in the night”.
My girl was actually stopping Cheri from following me.
I knew better then to listen to any more. OK, I think. Go any father into this conversation and there’s defiantly a mind fuck tangled in it somewhere. So I shut her off.
I wander to the other side of the car. I look at the woods, where the sky touches the trees. I hear all these frogs and crickets.
Time is NOT on my mind, at all.
I wonder if that is a owl I hear far off. Behind all this is the far off sound of my girlfriend running her mouth.
Like static in between the stations on the radio.
As I’m starting to look at the road. I notice that some of the gravel that is in it, and on it sparkles under the glow of the distant street light behind the gas station.
Then my “Alien” girlfriend, with her transparent eyes,
Big six head, and spotted face is back in my world.
She’s saying, “Go see what the hell is taking her. She’s been back there taking her piss for over twenty minutes.”
Then I notice her looking at her watch.
I think, I didn’t know she wore a watch? I don’t wear a watch. I don’t need a watch to waste my time.
Then she repeats herself louder.
This only makes me think, hell if what she’s saying is true…there hasn’t been a car down this road in some time. Good thing we’re not in a jam of some sorts.
Then I realize she’s kind of nudging me along.
Her request sinks in. “I’ll check it out”, I say.
I go to see where she might be. She’s not where I took a piss. Then I wonder. Where the hell did she go?
I listen carefully. I hear something. It’s that dog.
That dog and something else. My ears have played tricks on me before when I was tripping.
When I look around the corner of the gas station.
Under the glow of that street light.
There’s Cherie. All ass in the air. Buck ass naked. Elbows
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and knees in the dirt. God-damn face was laying in the dirt.
That German Sheppard was fucking her so fast it looked like the dog was vibrating.
I stand there staring. For a second, I can’t believe it.
Then I look around and see all her clothes in a neat pile, just outside, “The dirt circle”.
I rub my eyes, look away. Then I look back. Yes, that dog is fucking Cherie. I look at her face. Her eyes are closed, and she’s making sounds. I thought I could see her breath moving the dust of the dirt where her face was laying. Breathing hard. Lost in the ecstasy of getting nailed by this dog.
Then I like let this fake cough out. A kind of, “excuse me” type cough.
The dog looks at me. Cherie is gone. She never even opened her eyes. Then …No Shit! While that dog looked at me, I got this telepathic message, “Please, give me my moment, and Thanks.”
So I stroll back to the car. I tell my girlfriend,
“She’ll be right here”.
Now this ignites the “Bitch/Cunt”, in my girlfriend.
I felt the bad-craziness of this girl when in this mood.
I sure the fuck didn’t need, or want it aimed at me now.
“SO WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING!!!” she screams.
I calmly tell her, “You’ll have to go see for yourself”.
“I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you.”
Plus I thought, confirmation of what I thought I saw, from someone that wasn’t on drugs would assure me; I wasn’t just seeing things.
As “Bitch/Cunt” stomps back to where I was pointing.
She’s muttering and yelling shit. Fuck her I think. She’s another bitch that could use a good fuckin’ from ’Ol Rin Tin Tin. If I hadn’t needed her to protect me from getting raped by a couple dog fuckers, I would have never insisted on picking her up.
Then I hear her scream, “I don’t FUCKIN” BELIEVE IT!!!”
She comes stomping back to the car screaming, “She’s Back there getting fucked by some big dog!”
I was tempted to say, Is that a hint of jealousy in that scream? Not wanting to incur the wrath of this alien, Bitch/Cunt I keep that thought to myself.
About five minutes later, Cherie comes walking out from
Behind the gas station. She’s carrying her clothes. They all as clean as they were when she got out of the car. (Pretty Clean)
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She saying in a perfectly clear voice, “You won’t believe what happen to me. I fell down into a ditch”.
Now there was no ditch back there. I wasn’t that high.
There wasn’t even a ditch on the side of the road. Hell, we
Were in Michigan. There was a shoulder of gravel as wide as a car running down both sides of The road.
I look at her. She’s draining dog cum down her legs.
For a fraction of a second I think, YUK! But on second thought I felt it was good that the dog had the happy ending.
There’s dirt and dog shit all on her elbows, feet, knees, legs, forearms, face, etc, etc.
I walk around her…and yes, dog scratches, gentle paw claw
Marks on her back and hips. Slobber all over her neck, which also looks kind of red.
I go to looking in the car for something she can use to wipe herself off. My girlfriend starts digging in with the insults. “We saw you , I saw you!, you were just having a good time letting that dog just fuck the living shit out of you!”
“You Disgusting whore!”
I think, whore? I don’t believe she charged the dog anything. Still I keep quiet. I find a sweat shirt, and a rather large denim shirt in the back seat. I had noticed the denim shirt because it was tucked behind my back, sort of a pillow.
So I hand her the sweat shirt and instruct her to clean herself up a bit.
She looks at me, still talking in a normal tone of voice; and asked-”You don’t think I was really back there having sex with a dog?”
To which I most truth fully answer, “Yea”.
“Why would you two say that”, she screams.
To which I reply, ’What did you do, take off all your clothes before you fell in this non-existent ditch?”
“Show me this ditch?” “I see your clothes are all still clean”
I could feel the wheels turning in her head.
She very suddenly started acting totally fucked up.
Slurring her words. Stumbling around. Now as far as I knew
These girls had a twelve pack when I ran into them.
That was hours ago. Six were left. I hadn’t given her any chemical drugs. She hadn’t mentioned having any. I did burn a joint . That one normal size joint between four people.
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I figure she’s acting fucked up now as an excuse for
Fucking with a dog. Maybe when she went back there she was already a little steamy under the panties.
She was sure acting horney, before that doggie rumba she just got done doing.
The acid in my head was fading but I still had a mind taking at least four directions at once.
I was thinking. She went back there. The dog smelled that skank (Pussy). The dog stated panting quietly.
Well after taking her piss. If in fact she ever had to really take a piss. The dog starts licking her ass. She bends forward, to give the dog a better shot at her asshole and cunt.
Now here’s where it goes deep into left field.
Did she take off all her clothes and pile them neatly at the edge of the dogs boundaries before this?
Or…Were they removed and set aside with every intention of fucking that dog. Made me further wonder if she had fucked dogs before? Did she have a dog? Was it a regular thing?
My girlfriend is still running her suck, trying to degrade Cherie. Who was keeping up the I’m too fucked up act.
I tell my girl friend, ‘Shut the fuck up now!”
I see Cherie had wipe herself off. I point to a couple spots she missed. She wipes them.
Now I look at the sky because I see we’re loosing the night. The suns gonna be up real soon. People will probably start to roll down this road. The gas station could be opening any minute.
After I told my girlfriend to shut the fuck up, she was mumbling bullshit as she went back and sat in the car.
Now Cherie is standing there. Still naked. I hand her the denim shirt.
I say, “Put this on. If one of these Good ’Ol Boys on their way to work see your dog fuckin’ ass standing here naked as a Jay Bird in this parking lot they may want to get up on some sloppy seconds after that dog” “If you think that I’m gonna defend your questionable honor when they want to take liberties with you. YOUR WRONG”
So she put on the shirt.
I go around to the passenger side and tell the little confused, Sadie, “Your going to sit in back with Cherie, please”.
She says nothing, now Cherie has already made herself comfortable in the back. She was doing a piss poor acting
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job, pretending to be going in and out of some kind of Passing Out state.
Then I go around to the front driver seat. I tell my girlfriend, “I’m good to drive now”.
…and I shoot her a look.
She slides over. She knows full well she’s seen me drive on enough LSD to send a squad of Marines to the loonie bend for the rest of their life’s.
I love LSD. To this day. It is good medicine. It’s getting harder and harder to find.
Well she knew I was just in the right place to be focused.
We had about another fifty minutes on the road. Three quarters of it a straight shot. Then left, and we would be there.
We get driving.
My girlfriend says, “Smells like dog shit in here”.
To which I reply, “Could you just shut your mouth, have mercy, at least on my mind. It’s not quite over. I’ve got to re-group inside my head. Shut your smart ass mouth for the rest of the ride.
She must have exercised more self control then I have ever seen her do before. She keep quiet for the rest of the ride.
No doubt planning on how she was going to “Vomit”, this dog fucking girl news to my brother; upon seeing him.
To be cont....
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