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If I told you what it means to me, It would change what it menans to yoy
Friday, July 27, 2012
"The Death of the Hippie
The video I speak of, "Mr. Manson telling the D.A. how he made up the "Helter Skeleter" thing, It is NO LONGER on "You Tube" 'SOMEBODY' is censoring the internet. I hope "Wattpad" hold to OUR 1st amendment rights and keeps the current one posted.
The new video. Fucked up. They monitor what I write so much...This is made After roballen2 wrote this. When if you see them, "Later" looking for OTHER victims, they are doing it with a bulldozer.(?)
....are they REALLY looking for other victims or covering up their own incompetence?
The press and the DA pinned that "Helter Skelter" label on this shit. Millions of dollars in book rights, movie rights etc., etc.. Money is still being made of this atrocious crime. Sheeple will never stop being entertained by the misery of others. L.A. (Daughter of roballen2)
Read on.
"The Death Of the Hippie" By Roberto Dilemma 1-2011
First off, let me state here for the record. NO ONE IS PAYING ME TO WRITE THIS. I AM NOT ASSIGNED TO WRITE THIS FOR ANY PROJECT OF ANY KIND.(involving any journalism contract, or student activities)
1-A Rough Start
Charles Mills Manson was born on Nov.12,1934. His mother’s name was Kathy Maddox. For the first few days of his life he was referred to by hospital staff as, no name baby Maddox. He probably never knew who his real father was. He possibly never even met him. His mother was living with a man for a time by the name of William Manson. Hence, the last name, “Manson”.
When he was a very young child his mother was arrested for robbing a gas station with her brother. She was sentenced to five years in prison. While she was in jail Charles Manson lived with an aunt. His mother was paroled in 1942.
This would have made the boy, Charles Manson, eight years old at the time.
In a 1981 interview with Tom Snyder, Mr. Manson himself said, “This is the sole sappy memory I have of childhood”. In 1947 at age 13, his mother turned him over to the state to be placed in a foster home. There would be no foster home for this 13 year old boy. He was placed in the, “Gibault School for Boys”. After ten months there he ran away to be with his mother. She rejected him. Now you have to think about that for a moment. First, when his only, “sappy memory of childhood” was his mother’s embrace upon being paroled from prison.
She gives him up.
After trying to get back to the only person he thought loved him, he was cast aside, and rudely rejected.
What affect would that have on a kids mind?
What affect would it have on YOUR mind?
I am not defending Charles Manson. I am not Stating that he should not be where he is. My intention here is to for once, put it in the proper light.
2-The Start of Manson’s, “Big Time” criminal Career
Charles Manson Again breaks out of the school for boys he was living in.
He breaks into a grocery store, for money to rent a room. He is caught and sent to, “Indianapolis Juvenile Center”. He escapes after one day there and is placed in, “Boys Town”. He spend four days there and escapes again with another boy.
On the way to this other boys uncle’s house, where they no doubt thought they’d be accepted. They commit two armed robberies. Then during the, “break in” of a second grocery store, they were caught.
Mr. Manson and the other boy, needed FOOD. Food and probably money. How much money do you think they left in a grocery store in the 1940’s after it was closed? Enough to make change for the next days till. I think I’d be safe in saying their prime motivation was feeding themselves when they were very hungry and, “on the lamb”.
So at 13 years old he is sent to, “Indiana Boys School” where he was first documented as being, “sexually Brutalized”. (first time, “on record”)
Now let this sink in your heads a minute. I been pretty cool so far in just giving you the facts. But now I’m at a point where I feel a need to interject opinion.
Charles Manson’s childhood, up to this point; sounds like one hell of a, “mind-fuck mess“. Off the record is no doubt worse.
After many failed attempts to escape this new, “hell pit” they put young Manson in, he succeeds. With a couple other boys they get out, steal a car, break into a couple gas stations. They get caught in Utah. Now it’s a federal crime and he’ll be treated as an adult.
After four years of schooling, here and there. “On record” as an avid reader. Learning many jail-house games, from young men much worse then he was, “criminal wise”. Not to mention how he was treated by fucked up cops, authority figures etc., etc.. Physical, sexual, and mental abuse, to the maximum.
How do you think this would affect YOUR, “worldview”?
What effect do you think this would have on anyone’s, “self Image”?
He gets an I.Q. test. On the first one he scores 109. A short time later he’s given another, he re-tested at 121.
This is very smart for a young person making such bad decisions, all the time.
For reasons unknown some, “caseworker” deemed him illiterate, and aggressively anti-social. “No Shit” Makes me wonder what he might have said to this case-worker? He’d been fucked with, and jacked around by every authority figure, and the very ones that were, “suppose” to love him. No fuckin’ shit he’s anti-social. Illiterate, no way. If that was the case how could he even have taken an I.Q. test and score so high?
3Dashed Hope/Government Involvement
He finally gets out of all this mess. He still holds onto a hope for a, “Normal” life. He finds his mother. Re-connects with her. He gets married. For about one year he has a happy life with a woman he truly feels love and affection for.
Any thinking person would have to wonder, “what the hell would Charles Manson, after all he‘s been through…so far, equate with love”?
One thing we can take for granted here. He’s become much smarter. His I.Q. is no doubt much higher.
His wife gets pregnant. She gives birth to a son. They name him after his father.
He’s doing odd jobs. Money’s tight. He attempts to forge a check. He gets caught. Ten years in prison. Being a thinking person myself, and having researched this this much further then I’ll write, or even like to admit.
This was a time when many drugs, etc. were tested on prisoners. (soldiers, volunteers, etc..) If you read between the lines. L.S.D. and similar, mind altering drugs were the governments choice for drug testing then. The C.I.A. the F.B.I and a number of other, “Medical” companies and organizations under different names. For many reasons, were all doing different types of research. Some “Good” while most, especially those associated with “The Government” were, “BAD”.
They were trying to create mindless soldiers that could kill without thought or conscience.
Just think about this for a while. Take a minute and do some research. What do you think might have been tested on Mr. Manson, knowingly or unknowingly? Who do you think was really responsible for dropping massive doses of LSD, etc. on college campus throughout the U.S.A.
Well needless to say that shit back fired on them. Young people with increased awareness, and a certain level of intelligence DID NOT suddenly become ultra-patriotic. The saw through the bull shit, too many friends coming back in body bags, and Flag draped coffins. I lived through these days. They had what they call, “A Generation Gap”.
That was a wide space between, the new way of thinking, and the Conservative
Old Guard .
This was a time of a mini cultural renaissance, in art, music, fashion, etc..
Young people got thrown out of their parents house and un-welcome, for dressing the wrong way, smoking pot, listening to the wrong type of music. Or simply having a different attitude then their parents, Different politics.
They were not in any hurry to go die in a money war, that had never been declared. One which the U.S. was fighting for vague reasons.
The very drug, a legal prescription drug made by “Sandoz” labs, that was put on college campuses to help with, “Mind Control” and “Behavior Modification” just increased the young peoples awareness of how very wrong their own government had become. L.S.D. This was, and could be a very helpful medication for a lot of varying conditions, shutting it out IS NOT A GOOD THING.
His wife visits for the first year. Gives him reports of how his son is doing. Then after a year the visits stop. His mother comes to give him the news, his wife is now with another man. She is going to get a divorce. Which she does, and promptly disappears.
4-Setting up, “The Death of the Hippie”.
In 1966 he’s sent to, “Terminal Island”. By the time they grant him early release
In March 1967, he has spent more then half his life in prisons and institutions.
He tells authorities, “prison has become my home“. He requested to stay.
Let me repeat that so it sinks into your heads, HE REQUESTED TO STAY.
Never for one second let yourself think, or believe that in all the time Mr. Manson spent in prisons, etc., that he didn’t have, “A Plan”.
Even requesting to stay in prison, was the beginning of his,” Plan”.
Don’t doubt for a minute the government didn’t know exactly what they were doing. This was a mutually parasitic relationship between these two parties. The government KNEW, they were using and playing Mr. Manson.
The one factor they didn’t figure into “Their Plan” was the FACT, Mr. Manson was equally, or to a greater extent, “playing Them”.
In prison, Alvin “Creepy” Karpis taught him steel guitar. Gave him his start learning the instrument.
Mr. Karpis was nicknamed, “Creepy” because of his smile. He was the last of the, “Public Enemies” to be arrested. He ran with the, “Barker Gang” of, “Ma Barker fame.
His early release comes in march 1967. He’s granted permission to move to San Francisco. With the help of a prison acquaintance, he gets an apartment in Berkeley.
This was also another government ploy. They take this, “described” anti-social
ex-con. They know how he thinks to a certain extent. He’s asked to stay in prison, stated it had become his home. Then they set him down in the HEART of the “Hippie” scene. It was the spring before, “The Sumer of Love”. He was a time bomb. You can be sure, the manipulative, charismatic, Mr. Manson had part in steering this arrangement. It was what he wanted. It would work in his favor.
With his intelligence, talent at songwriting, guitar, and manipulating impressionable young people using, “Jail House Games”. Charles Manson soon established himself as a Guru in Haight-Ashbury during the, “Summer of Love”.
He also carries THE prison house “mantra” in his head, “payback is a mother fucker”.
Now one thing I’d like to point out here. Charles Manson NEVER hurt or killed anyone, while committing, Mostly petty crimes. The majority of which were committed as a minor. He was NOT a KILLER. He didn’t do any crazy slicing and dicing. He didn’t even beat people up. (outside of jail or juvie) Keep this in mind.
No where on his public criminal record is there a violent crime.
This is what is, “ON RECORD”. Now anyone that has ever done anything wrong, KNOWS. What they got you for is NOTHING compared to what you got away with. It’s usually not even the tip of the iceberg. It’s what THEY don’t know. What a clever person didn’t get caught for, that’s always MORE & worse then what is known.
So he goes about collecting pretty young hippie girls/women.
Now Charles Manson didn’t just collect pretty young hippy girls, there was also a few young men in, “The Family”. What they all had in common was: they were discarded by their families, thrown out like garbage. They were highly intelligent and had a bend toward, insanity, violence, and the macabre.
The main players=Charles “Tex” Watson, Susan Atkins (Sexy Sadie),Linda Kasabian, Patricica Krenwinkel & Charles Manson.
There were many, many others, big players, Lynette “squeaky” Fromm, Steve Crogan, Etc., and bit players too…but this is not going to get me to the point I want to make…in the time I want to make it.
Well the family got around. They met a lot of very talented, very famous people of that time. Dennis Wilson, the drummer and brother of Brian and Carl Wilson, the nuclease, and founding members of, “The Beach Boys”.
He let them stay with him for a while. He shelled out (appox.) $21,00.00 for V.D. treatments for “The Family”. Gave Mr. Manson almost all his earthly possessions,
Including his gold records.
Mr. Manson is a very charismatic fellow.
Dennis Wilson also introduced them to powerful, and influencale people in the recording business at that time..
5-indirectly Responsible
Terry Melcher was one of these people. He was a record producer, and no one mentions this too often but the son of Doris Day (A pretty big movie star in her day) Glad that day is over.
While they were staying in a Conaga Park house, Mr. Melcher was suppose to pay them a visit. An audition of sorts. They cleaned the place up nice. The women/girls cooked a very good meal. They were ready to wine & dine, Suck, fuck, eat him and scratch him where the scars won’t show. A good time was to be had by all. They practiced all the songs. They got prepared.
Mother Fucker never showed up.
Fuck, disappointment.
This, “white bread” mother fucker, pampered, rich, suite, piss-fuk, didn’t show up.
Now that might not be the way that you would see it, or think it. But…some people would. “At that time, I’m not knocking it or putting it down. I’m just saying it, it’s a fact”
So maybe? He gets word? They got REAL ready and they were REAL disappointed. (Think he gave a shit about that?) Maybe he gets a different word. He could have got fucked, sucked done anything he wanted to any woman, man or everyone, and he fuckin’ blew it. Now that’s probably more like it. Or the word, they are crazy and pissed!!! I think your in trouble. I don’t believe those words were going around yet. Or another word. The one in his suite wearin’, white bread head. Damn kids had charisma, the little bearded Guru Guy was Great, with his music, the ladies…I COULD HAVE MADE A LOT OF MONEY$$$$ …or maybe a little bit of all that shit, …fuck us!, we don’t know the half of it!
Well on May 18th 1969, Terry Melcher finally visited, “Spahn Ranch”. Which was where Mr. Manson and his family were now living. It was an old movie set where they use to film westerns. An old guy owed it, by the name of, George Spahn. He was very old and nearly blind. “The Family” helped take care of him.
Mr. Terry Melcher brought a friend along. He had a mobile recording unit.
He recorded Mr. Manson and the girls singing. I’m sure he was treated, “Very Special” by the members of the “Family”. I’m sure they all got real stoned, had a good time. A lot of things were said. When all was said and done. The most important thing Mr. Melcher said was, “I’ll get back with you”.
He didn’t. Then he must have done something else. Perhaps he gave them some shit about their music. I sure they would have tried to contact him. Somehow, for some reason, he blew them off. This wouldn’t have been what they were expecting.
Why the hell am I getting into all this shit about this guy?
Well…He use to live at 10050 Cielo drive. He rented that house to Sharon Tate and her husband, Roman Polanski. This is the address where Sharon Tate and five friends were murdered, in a most bloody and dramatic way.
Did they think, Terry Melcher Was there? No. Where was all the tape? Were they even using tape. What happened to the recordings. They would have surfaced by now.
Manson knew Melcher didn’t live there anymore, he just knew someone rich live there. He knew Melcher moved to Malibu, he claimed he didn’t know exactly where.
6-The First Raid
The first time the cops raided “Spahn Ranch” it was for suspected auto theft.
While they were holding key members of, “The Family” three other “family” women were arrested for credit card theft; and false identity. They had a stack of credit cards, and a stack of I.D.s. Who did these belong too? Where were these people who didn’t report their credit cards and I.D.s missing?
I went into the files of the California Justice Department. I went into the public record of the California Attorney General’s office. All information concerning missing persons, and unsolved murders from late 1968 through 1972 said the same thing. “This page has been deleted”.
The Murders and the auto theft arrest was thought “un-related” by law enforcement. The members of the family, including Mr. Manson were released.
Now keep this credit card thing in mind.
(Atrocious Murders)
Now if your not familiar with the crimes of, “The Family” and Mr. Manson; go to Wipapedia and brush up.
This is a SHORT essay. I will not get into the atrocities of the, “Tate, 5 others and The La Bianca” murders, It was a bloody bad-wrongness. Let it suffice to say, it’s rivals the Nazi’s, The Inquisition, Genghis Kahn’s cruelty or any especially bad things humans have done to one another throughout history.
Now the other, “Family” murder, (ON RECORD) is Gary Hinman. “That was payback for a dope deal gone bad”. One of the main jailed murderers involved, Bobby Beausuleil said just that in a “Oui Magazine” interview.
Hinman was suppose to sell them $1000.00 dollars worth of mescaline. He ripped them off. Sold them strychnine.
When Gary Hinmans body was discovered. Tex Watson, the main killer in this murder was picked up just a short drive away. Sleeping in the victims car. Bloody, crashed out. He still had the knife that was one of the murder weapons. Look up the rest. I’m not here to make that point either.
7-Second Raid, Rounding up Killer Freaks.
So…Spahn Ranch gets raided, “AGAIN”. They arrest the whole “Family”.
I’m not writing gore for money so, no details. Let it suffice to say, Susan Atkins did, “set design“, etc. with all the victims blood“. She was involved in all the murders. She bragged about the murders to a couple other women she was locked up with. They informed the cops. Miss Atkins implicated herself for this INSANELY CRUEL murder while being questioned by police. She gave shocking details in her testimony. Always seeming proud, and even happy about what she had done. This is part of, “Public Record”. If your one that likes to be horrified, shocked, and appalled; by all means look it up.
What the fuck does this say to you…The Reader. These murders were a point of pride she wanted to claim.
So now they got, Charles “Tex” Watson, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, Patricia Kenwinkel…and Mr. Charles Manson.
Manson wasn’t even there when these murders took place. He may or may not have threatened Gary Hinman. There is absolutely no evidence to say he was there. Although by most accounts he was there at the beginning, of the Hinman encounter, not for the murder.
Why was he tried for all those crazy-ass slasher murders?
The girls said, “Charlie told us to do it”.
Now Mr. Charles Manson, (or so “THEY” say) says, “The Beatles”, yes…the Famous, fab four, the darlings of the decade. “They told him to direct these young people to kill. “
“They did it through secret messages hidden on, “The White Album”
I think, “The Establishment” at that time saw, “The Beatles” as the main group spearheading this counter culture, “Revolution”. They grew their hair long, all the young people grew their hair long. They advocated POT smoking, and all the kids now wanted to smoke pot. They took LSD, admitted it…and the youth of the world followed. There’s no doubt they had a lot to do with the advancements in music and culture. They were a reflection of the times. In a lot of instances they were just bringing to the fore front, the underground movements that were already occurring. They certainly didn’t flood amerikan campuses with LSD.
But they would make a handy scapegoat and perhaps while the hippie fire was being stomped out, the powers that be could topple these idols of the time.
White kids that like, “The Beatles”, that was a very, very, common thing.
The Beatles were subpoena by the court, their press person at the time, Peter Brown, replied something to the effect that not one member of the group would be in the middle of some dumb ass media circus, and that if they had a nickel for every freak that heard messages in Beatles albums they wouldn’t need to make any more, because they’d be richer then anyone could imagine.
Well the Cali/L.A. media and cops got it all now. Witches, a Guru, SEX, drugs,
Horror show murder, celebrities, and Rock & Roll…and not just Rock & Roll…the most popular band then, ever …so far.
In a film encounter with the DA, you hear Mr. Charles Manson yelling at the DA, “You made all this, “Helter Skelter shit up…good press, nice label, your lucky I’m going along with it.” (something to that effect) This bit of film is posted on, “You Tube” right now. Check it out before the ruling elite takes control of the internet and pulls it. While they pull away our first amendment rights, and remove anything else that makes, “Big Government” look bad. Bottom line, This, “Helter Skelter” label was a type of “marketing ploy” by the newspapers and Law enforcement groups. Notice, there’s always a nick name, a clever moniker given to all big time murders. (and serial murders being written about in the press while still under investigation) There always has been.
8-”Let The Pig Circus Begin!”
So while they are holding Mr. Manson and His “Family”. He’s got his followers out in the street. A bunch of raggedy-ass hippy chicks, “Free Charles Manson”. He’s got long hair and a beard. The government run media, (Then & now) jump on this like flies on a steamin’ shit log. They been trying and wanting to beat this hippie fire out since “THEY” started it. (by doing LSD tests in college labs on college kids)
Mr. Manson, is called a guru in the press, a christ-like father figure to these, “Young” hippy girls. Satan…the father of all their children.
Could it have been their own cast off children, their throwaway trash kids. Most were from good families, educated. Could they have been the real “Mind-less cut ’em up‘s” without their leader, this ex con…this “career criminal”. No not their throw away kids.
Mr. Manson would be a perfect scapegoat. Gave them drugs, like they wouldn’t have been doing them anyway. He brainwashed them. Yes, that would be the angle.
9-A Dead Movement/”Peace, was just a FAD.
Now let me finally make my god-damn fuckin’ point here.
Have you ever cleaned and gutted a fish? How’d you like that the first time?
Most of you never done it. Now lets take that a step further. Have you ever gutted and butchered a deer? Most of you hunters have. Did you like digging those steaming guts out the first time? Did you ever really get used to it?
Well read the details of what the Girls in, “The Family” did during these
Horror show murders.
This is NOT a natural thing for a human to do, to any living thing. This is especially a nasty thing to do to another human.
POINT BEING…IT WOULD TAKE PRATICE. A type of conditioning that would take months or longer.
NOW…On the day the verdict was laid down for Mr. Manson and his girls,
A badly decomposed body was found between two large rocks, right in the neighborhood of the court house. YES, some man that worked for the L.A. court system gave Mr. Manson some shit.
In 1977 one of the men up for parole disclosed the location of another body. A Hollywood stunt man in his early thirties, they dug him up. The body was right where they were told it’d be.
Now if the D.A. wasn’t so fuckin’ Hollywood. Working on his million dollar book deal, lets not forget, “The Movie Rights”
If the god-damn police wouldn’t have been so busy mugging for the fuckin’ cameras. The whole Pig Circus going for, “Face Time” on T.V..
Maybe it should have entered their tiny little brains that the fuckin’ desert
was full of bodies. A lot of missing persons cases could have been solve with that move. Remember the girls that got caught with the pile of stolen credit cards and different I.D.’s? Did they even think of checking those against some missing persons. NO.
Too busy making money, mugging for the media Now this had gone world wide.
Then you got to think, the “Manson Family” girls and guys were from good families. There was also a lot of money getting thrown around to just let things be.
Now let me put forth the TRUTH. On some level of government agency, “They” chose to set Mr. Charles Manson down in the middle of the hippie hot-spot of the world. They knew he would do something. He didn’t want to leave jail in the first place. They under estimated him. They didn’t think he’d take their own children and turn them into mindless slashers, horror show murdering freaks.
Well that’s just what he done.
Well the desert is a dry place. I’ve lived there myself. There’s still a lot of mummified corpses out there. Family practicing, for when, “Helter Skelter” comes down.
During his time out he got a lot of pussy, got stoned beyond belief. Couldn’t have had more fun spending other peoples money. Became world famous. The, “Beach Boys” covered one of his songs on the “B” side of one of their 45’s. It’s been covered by Axl Rose, and quite a few other groups.
He got the attention of the world, he’s still getting it.
That’s why I state in the beginning of this…NO ONE IS PAYING ME SHIT!
There’s a lot of cock suckers still making money off what happen when the system “Killed” the hippie.
Because that’s what they wanted to do. They succeeded there. People no longer thought of hippies as…peace, free love….flowers in their hair. Fuck no.
They couldn’t even look at each other without a certain suspicion.
The old guard that had just laughed them off at “Woodstock” were now downright afraid of them. Long hairs…fuckin’ drug crazed maniacs!
All this and Mr. Manson got to go home. Back to the prison he didn’t want to leave in the first place.
Humans can be down right fucked up. Much more extensive then just unpleasant behavior. I can not believe they are naturally atrocious.
That takes practice, conditioning, training. They have to train, use behavior modification drugs, psychological mind fucks, and no telling what other modern techniques to make soldiers, infantry personal, etc. accept their enemy as something, “Less then human”. “SomeTHING” to be exterminated, mercilessly, with no respect for life.
There’s still a lot of mummified corpses in that desert. A lot.
Get off your ass, if you curious, research this in full, this isn’t even the half of it!
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