“The Living Paintings, vol,1 & vol.2”
It took 56 small collages, 71 pieces of art I created, painting drawing, etc. Note the amount of time This would have taken. Bit of carefully edited film. Film shot in a regular way. The film composed of the art & collages. It could take an hour or more to pull off, 40 to 50 seconds of film.
Now the soundtrack. Each contain a spoken word part & songs. These in themselves were no small feat, but still a labor of love. “Art for Arts Sake”. Twelve tracks of analog audio run into a 24 track mastering station. Consider the time composing music, writing lyric, going through countless hours of sound effects in my library . There is no accidents in these pieces of art, these, “Living Paintings” Listen carefully, everything is there, and where it is for a reason.
Now last but not least, the studying, the manuals, the film & recording process. All this to bring an Idea to life
To think is to create, following that is the desire to manifest the thought into reality. Then the reality.
Robert K. Allen Feb. 28, 2011
TAGS=roballen2 allentheartist2008 allentheartist imaginenationproductions
This is a link to, "The Living Painting,vol.2"
Love & Everything Positive, Rob Allen
art, writings, video, Music, and various expressions in every medium of expression that can be posted by roballen2 allentheartist roballen2writing robalen2artwork roballen2music roballen2videos
what is , is all that need be

If I told you what it means to me, It would change what it menans to yoy
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Rob Allen/robalen2 Music CDs & Downloads
http://www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_119527Rob Allen great music meaningful lyric. Three CDs
1="The Flying Mudall" Like the Beatles+Pink Floyd if they had a black rhythm section & Hendrix on Lead.
2="HillBilly Love" Country, Hank Williams on acid.
3=Various Misc.,Assorted" Danceable, Funky, Rock
1="The Flying Mudall" Like the Beatles+Pink Floyd if they had a black rhythm section & Hendrix on Lead.
2="HillBilly Love" Country, Hank Williams on acid.
Friday, February 25, 2011
"A strange Afterlife Event" (Rob Allen)
http://www.reverbnation.com/roballen2A STRANGE AFTERLIFE EVENT By: Rob Allen
There was this man. He was forty two years old. He was a sucessful writer of very popular childrens books. These books were intended for small toddler type kids but...luck had it that just about everyone enjoyed them. Even Adults. Needless to say this made him a pretty comfortable living.
His hero was Dr. Suess. He hoped that one day his books would be made into cartoons or movies.
One mourning he woke up, as he walked into his kitchen he slipped on a little puddle of dog pee. He busted his head on the corner of the counter and died.
Next thing he knew, he's in this strange nothingness. He couldn't hear anything. He didn't see anything. He realized none of his senses were taking in anything. He didn't remember falling and cracking his head open. He looked around at this kind of greyish, nothing, void and figured he must be dreaming. He was getting a little werided out, and the awareness of his own thoughts made him feel better.
He thought, if there was a bit more light here maybe I could see a little better. No sooner did he think this and the whole, "void" filled with a bright but pleasent light.
Just like GOD he thought. "Let there be light and there was light". He was never a religious person, but he was familar with that part of the bible. He looked over the bible a couple times, but he couldn't really say, he read it. He looked over alot of books that were, "Aledgedly Devine Text". He thought there're all basically saying the same thing in different ways. Some parts were OK, even wise...but over all, there're bullshit myths.
Now being an artist, and writer, he knew that, "To think was to create". He created, "IDEAS" all the time. From those Ideas came the desire to write them down, scribble some pictures and manifest the ideas into reality. Then the reality. His Books. He enjoyed what he did for a living and felt he was lucky. He knew people that wrote and drew better then he did...but...he was the one that made a living doing it.
While he was pondering these thoughts, he noticed strange creatures darting all about. He also seen there were all kinds of strange plants, if that's even what they could be called. He had never seen anything like he was looking at now.
He thought, this werid landscape and these freaky little things darting about make my writings and drawings seem like a boring, "Dick and Jane" book. Hell!...he thought this is stranger then Dr. Suess.
Then while looking around he realized he was standing on the side of a steep hill. He looked at his hand, it wasn't a hand anymore. Something like a very, very, colorful claw thing a lizzard might have. He looked down at his body. He laughed to himself because he appeared to be a psychedelic lizzard.
For the first time, he laughed to himself, this brought out all kinds of sounds from these void creatures. They were previously trying to stay hidden. Now he realized there were alot of them. All different kinds. Making sounds...squoinking, and doinking, squealing and hissing. Large groups of them making sounds almost like some crazy organic machine.
He said, loudly, but not in a rude way, "please quiet for a second"!
They got very quiet. He listened and could hear a sound in the background. Like the sound of an, "S". Always getting quieter but never totally going away.
The never ending, "S'. He had heard this sound before, on nights he couldn't sleep.
He looked up. The steep hill he was standing on was now a giant mountian. Covered in all different types and colors of plants, grasses and scurring, hiding void creatures. They were all happy. Making their boinks, squionks, clicks, tweets and all kinds of other sounds he never heard before. He was always proud of his imagination. Still believing this was a dream, he was amused and happy also. He thought he would incorperate this into a book when he woke up.
Then he noticed these clear, tranluscant, jelly looking things. They had a human type shape. Inside were thin, pewter colored bones, they didn't make a whole skeleton. It wasn't in their heads at all. They just had the jelly clear stuff for heads. He watched them for what he thought was just a minute. He walked up closer to them. He realized he had a tail. This made walking different for him, and again he laughed. He waved his brightly colored tail. When he got close to them he noticed they didn't have facial features like humans, or any other earth animals. They had a nose and eye sockets, but no eyes, or nose holes, and their mouth was just a indentation. This gave them the appearance that they were molded out of this tranlucant clay type stuff.
When he looked close at their faces he was startled and scared. He seen a vision of himself slipping on the floor in his kitchen. He seen himself on his kitchen floor dead. His black lab puppy, the one that piddled on the floor was licking the blood in a puddle around his busted head.
Now he somehow knew for certain this was not a dream. He knew he was dead. He felt sad. He got the puppy for company. What made him sad was not that he had died, but he had never found true love.
He had relationships. Deep down he knew these were not, "The One". He felt he was able to love. He thought he had a good idea what love was suppose to be. The deepest level of caring. This feeling was never returned to him.
Oh well. No time for self pity.
As he watched the tranlucent human shaped things he noticed every few minutes they split. There'd be two smaller ones. Then they'd rub themselfs together and squirt a neon green liquid. The color you see in them glow sticks or whatever.
He seen them splitting so fast that there seemed to be a small hill of them with neon green glow stuff squirting all over.
He looked under his psychedelic lizzard feet. He was standing in the middle of a pile of the translucant goo, getting neon stuff all over his feet.
He must have been watching this alot longer then he thought. Now when he looked at the rest of the void creatures he saw they were collecting things. They were building something. They were comming from all over.
They were building a raft or boat of some kind.
When it seemed they were about done, they all started getting on. Two at a time.
Just like Noah's Ark he thought. Then the rain began. He lifted his head up and opened his mouth. The water was as clear as diamonds with just a hint of blue color to it. It tasted great. It refreshed him. He felt more alive then he felt while he was living.
He went to get on the boat/raft thing. Somehow he was made to know that he needed his other half to enter.
He looked around. He ran around franticlly, looking all over for the other lizzard. He did't see one.
The rain came faster and with it a flood. The water stuff rose. It looked like a ocean around the mountian now. It rose and the boat/raft floated off.
The lizzard started climbing the mountian, it now seemed so big. The rain came in torrents. What refreshed him at the start was going to drown him. He felt sure of it. Finally he seen the top of the mountian. He knew after that there would be no other place to go. Just as he reached the top, comming over the other side, was the other psychedelic lizzard.
Joy swept over him. The rain stopped. He never felt anything like he was feeling at this instant. LOVE. JOY. All words are a small shallow attempt at decribing the emotions. Both the lizzards knew and felt. The rain stopped.
A sun like a crystal came out. It warmed the air with a feeling of carress. It cast a countless number of rainbows. The rainbows were all different, different colors, different shapes. They glowed like something no words could ever touch.
The water went down slow but sure.
The lizzards held each other and melted together. They came apart and looked into each others eyes. They hugged and melted together again.
The came apart, walked hand/claw in hand/claw. Arm in arm.
They kissed in their own new way.
Everything before this moment was forgotten.
They glowed.
There was this man. He was forty two years old. He was a sucessful writer of very popular childrens books. These books were intended for small toddler type kids but...luck had it that just about everyone enjoyed them. Even Adults. Needless to say this made him a pretty comfortable living.
His hero was Dr. Suess. He hoped that one day his books would be made into cartoons or movies.
One mourning he woke up, as he walked into his kitchen he slipped on a little puddle of dog pee. He busted his head on the corner of the counter and died.
Next thing he knew, he's in this strange nothingness. He couldn't hear anything. He didn't see anything. He realized none of his senses were taking in anything. He didn't remember falling and cracking his head open. He looked around at this kind of greyish, nothing, void and figured he must be dreaming. He was getting a little werided out, and the awareness of his own thoughts made him feel better.
He thought, if there was a bit more light here maybe I could see a little better. No sooner did he think this and the whole, "void" filled with a bright but pleasent light.
Just like GOD he thought. "Let there be light and there was light". He was never a religious person, but he was familar with that part of the bible. He looked over the bible a couple times, but he couldn't really say, he read it. He looked over alot of books that were, "Aledgedly Devine Text". He thought there're all basically saying the same thing in different ways. Some parts were OK, even wise...but over all, there're bullshit myths.
Now being an artist, and writer, he knew that, "To think was to create". He created, "IDEAS" all the time. From those Ideas came the desire to write them down, scribble some pictures and manifest the ideas into reality. Then the reality. His Books. He enjoyed what he did for a living and felt he was lucky. He knew people that wrote and drew better then he did...but...he was the one that made a living doing it.
While he was pondering these thoughts, he noticed strange creatures darting all about. He also seen there were all kinds of strange plants, if that's even what they could be called. He had never seen anything like he was looking at now.
He thought, this werid landscape and these freaky little things darting about make my writings and drawings seem like a boring, "Dick and Jane" book. Hell!...he thought this is stranger then Dr. Suess.
Then while looking around he realized he was standing on the side of a steep hill. He looked at his hand, it wasn't a hand anymore. Something like a very, very, colorful claw thing a lizzard might have. He looked down at his body. He laughed to himself because he appeared to be a psychedelic lizzard.
For the first time, he laughed to himself, this brought out all kinds of sounds from these void creatures. They were previously trying to stay hidden. Now he realized there were alot of them. All different kinds. Making sounds...squoinking, and doinking, squealing and hissing. Large groups of them making sounds almost like some crazy organic machine.
He said, loudly, but not in a rude way, "please quiet for a second"!
They got very quiet. He listened and could hear a sound in the background. Like the sound of an, "S". Always getting quieter but never totally going away.
The never ending, "S'. He had heard this sound before, on nights he couldn't sleep.
He looked up. The steep hill he was standing on was now a giant mountian. Covered in all different types and colors of plants, grasses and scurring, hiding void creatures. They were all happy. Making their boinks, squionks, clicks, tweets and all kinds of other sounds he never heard before. He was always proud of his imagination. Still believing this was a dream, he was amused and happy also. He thought he would incorperate this into a book when he woke up.
Then he noticed these clear, tranluscant, jelly looking things. They had a human type shape. Inside were thin, pewter colored bones, they didn't make a whole skeleton. It wasn't in their heads at all. They just had the jelly clear stuff for heads. He watched them for what he thought was just a minute. He walked up closer to them. He realized he had a tail. This made walking different for him, and again he laughed. He waved his brightly colored tail. When he got close to them he noticed they didn't have facial features like humans, or any other earth animals. They had a nose and eye sockets, but no eyes, or nose holes, and their mouth was just a indentation. This gave them the appearance that they were molded out of this tranlucant clay type stuff.
When he looked close at their faces he was startled and scared. He seen a vision of himself slipping on the floor in his kitchen. He seen himself on his kitchen floor dead. His black lab puppy, the one that piddled on the floor was licking the blood in a puddle around his busted head.
Now he somehow knew for certain this was not a dream. He knew he was dead. He felt sad. He got the puppy for company. What made him sad was not that he had died, but he had never found true love.
He had relationships. Deep down he knew these were not, "The One". He felt he was able to love. He thought he had a good idea what love was suppose to be. The deepest level of caring. This feeling was never returned to him.
Oh well. No time for self pity.
As he watched the tranlucent human shaped things he noticed every few minutes they split. There'd be two smaller ones. Then they'd rub themselfs together and squirt a neon green liquid. The color you see in them glow sticks or whatever.
He seen them splitting so fast that there seemed to be a small hill of them with neon green glow stuff squirting all over.
He looked under his psychedelic lizzard feet. He was standing in the middle of a pile of the translucant goo, getting neon stuff all over his feet.
He must have been watching this alot longer then he thought. Now when he looked at the rest of the void creatures he saw they were collecting things. They were building something. They were comming from all over.
They were building a raft or boat of some kind.
When it seemed they were about done, they all started getting on. Two at a time.
Just like Noah's Ark he thought. Then the rain began. He lifted his head up and opened his mouth. The water was as clear as diamonds with just a hint of blue color to it. It tasted great. It refreshed him. He felt more alive then he felt while he was living.
He went to get on the boat/raft thing. Somehow he was made to know that he needed his other half to enter.
He looked around. He ran around franticlly, looking all over for the other lizzard. He did't see one.
The rain came faster and with it a flood. The water stuff rose. It looked like a ocean around the mountian now. It rose and the boat/raft floated off.
The lizzard started climbing the mountian, it now seemed so big. The rain came in torrents. What refreshed him at the start was going to drown him. He felt sure of it. Finally he seen the top of the mountian. He knew after that there would be no other place to go. Just as he reached the top, comming over the other side, was the other psychedelic lizzard.
Joy swept over him. The rain stopped. He never felt anything like he was feeling at this instant. LOVE. JOY. All words are a small shallow attempt at decribing the emotions. Both the lizzards knew and felt. The rain stopped.
A sun like a crystal came out. It warmed the air with a feeling of carress. It cast a countless number of rainbows. The rainbows were all different, different colors, different shapes. They glowed like something no words could ever touch.
The water went down slow but sure.
The lizzards held each other and melted together. They came apart and looked into each others eyes. They hugged and melted together again.
The came apart, walked hand/claw in hand/claw. Arm in arm.
They kissed in their own new way.
Everything before this moment was forgotten.
They glowed.
"Humanisn, A Beter Way" (R.Allen)
HUMANISM (The Better Way)
I don't really like lables. I didn't really feel I needed to be "labeled" but I let most of my stuff go out to any one and the "SHEEPLE" don't quite understand a person if they can't label them.
I AM AN ETHICAL HUMANIST. not in the sense that are incorporated into several religious schools of thought. I have no use for any salvationist religons.
If your psycological pillow, if your way to positive thinking is based on a LIE...it can't be good.
Humanisn I want entails a commitment to the search for TRUTH and morality through human means in support of all that lives in the most positive way. A great goodness. The capacity for self-determination. I reject the validity of divine justifications, no blind faith, no books of allegedly divine orgin. Solutions to the worlds ecological, social and cultural problems CANNOT be solved with religons, in fact I see them as part of the problem. They permote sexism, raceism and just all around "bad-crazyness" a very bad wrongness...exspecially chirstianity. The first world wide salvationist religion. "Believe in the blood of my redeemer or I'll drown you in your own" that is how chirstianity spread. then torturing people for the next five hundred years(really to this day) with the inquisition help enforce the faith.
Research it.
recomended reading, Out growing God" (moving Beyond Religion) by: Alan Jeskin, (Good reading never dry, fun)
The Christ Conspiracy" by:Acharya S (a hell of a dry study but, well worth it, she'll save you a lot of researc.h)
Suns of God" also by Achrya S
"The world's Sixteen Crucified Saviors" (Chirstianity Before Christ) By:Kersey Graves, A reprint of a classic and rare book written in 1875
"Gun, Germs and Steel" by: Jarard Diamond(History of human socities)
"Believe not because some old manuscripts are produced, believe not because it is your national belief, believe not because you have been MADE to believe since your childhood, but reason truth out, and after you have analyzed it, then if you find it will do good to one and all, believe it, live up to it and help others live up to it" BUDDHA
This makes sense to me and I am not a Buddist, I'm a humanist....remember. ♥
Wait soon I will blog, '
"A Simple Truth" I wrote it for my children... the meaning of life, what to equate with love and a short history of the human race and its effect on this world(HOST) all confined to a peice no longer then a short magazine artical. Love & Everything Positive R.A.
Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendId=383025628&page=2#ixzz0tg3zWsRkhttp://www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_1195277
HUMANISM (The Better Way)
I don't really like lables. I didn't really feel I needed to be "labeled" but I let most of my stuff go out to any one and the "SHEEPLE" don't quite understand a person if they can't label them.
I AM AN ETHICAL HUMANIST. not in the sense that are incorporated into several religious schools of thought. I have no use for any salvationist religons.
If your psycological pillow, if your way to positive thinking is based on a LIE...it can't be good.
Humanisn I want entails a commitment to the search for TRUTH and morality through human means in support of all that lives in the most positive way. A great goodness. The capacity for self-determination. I reject the validity of divine justifications, no blind faith, no books of allegedly divine orgin. Solutions to the worlds ecological, social and cultural problems CANNOT be solved with religons, in fact I see them as part of the problem. They permote sexism, raceism and just all around "bad-crazyness" a very bad wrongness...exspecially chirstianity. The first world wide salvationist religion. "Believe in the blood of my redeemer or I'll drown you in your own" that is how chirstianity spread. then torturing people for the next five hundred years(really to this day) with the inquisition help enforce the faith.
Research it.
recomended reading, Out growing God" (moving Beyond Religion) by: Alan Jeskin, (Good reading never dry, fun)
The Christ Conspiracy" by:Acharya S (a hell of a dry study but, well worth it, she'll save you a lot of researc.h)
Suns of God" also by Achrya S
"The world's Sixteen Crucified Saviors" (Chirstianity Before Christ) By:Kersey Graves, A reprint of a classic and rare book written in 1875
"Gun, Germs and Steel" by: Jarard Diamond(History of human socities)
"Believe not because some old manuscripts are produced, believe not because it is your national belief, believe not because you have been MADE to believe since your childhood, but reason truth out, and after you have analyzed it, then if you find it will do good to one and all, believe it, live up to it and help others live up to it" BUDDHA
This makes sense to me and I am not a Buddist, I'm a humanist....remember. ♥
Wait soon I will blog, '
"A Simple Truth" I wrote it for my children... the meaning of life, what to equate with love and a short history of the human race and its effect on this world(HOST) all confined to a peice no longer then a short magazine artical. Love & Everything Positive R.A.
Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendId=383025628&page=2#ixzz0tg3zWsRkhttp://www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_1195277
A Word Everyone Should Know & Understand (R.Allen)
GROK=..To grok is to share the same reality or line of thinking with another physical or conceptual entity, grokking is the intermingling of intelligence that nessarily affects both the observer and the observed.
Grok means to understand so thorughly that the observer becomes part of the observred-to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science-and it means as little to us (because of our human assumptions) as color means to a blind man.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines grok as,"To understand intuitively or by empathy; to establish rapport with" and "to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment." Other forms of the word include "groks" (present or third person singular), "grokked" (past) "grokking" (present)
The Oxford English Dictionary will have to wait till grokking is filled,
because that is just a small part of the understanding.
In an ideolgical context, a "grokked" concept becomes part of the person who contributes to it's evolution by improving the doctrine, perpetuating the myth, espousing the belief, adding detail to the social plan, refining the IDEA or proofing the theory.
Grok=two entities can combine to create a new reality greater than the sum of it's parts. "The water becomes part of the drinker, and the drinker part of the water" Both GROK each other. Things that once had separate realities become entangled in the same experiences, goals, history, and purpose.
Hard for "SHEEPLE" to understand because of their assumption of a singular reality.
LOOK IT UP! DON"T TAKE ANYONES WORD FOR ANYTHING. (although I'm incapable of lying)
I will tell you like I tell my children, "I AM THE ONLY PERSON THAT WILL ALWAYS BE TRUTHFUL"!
(if I grok)
Grok-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia +
Recomended reading="Stranger in a Strange Land"
By: Robert A. Heinlein (read it about every seven or eight years)...see how YOU change.
♥Love and everything positive. Rob Allen♥
http://www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_1195277Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendId=383025628&page=2#ixzz0u71qAlMJ
Grok means to understand so thorughly that the observer becomes part of the observred-to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science-and it means as little to us (because of our human assumptions) as color means to a blind man.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines grok as,"To understand intuitively or by empathy; to establish rapport with" and "to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment." Other forms of the word include "groks" (present or third person singular), "grokked" (past) "grokking" (present)
The Oxford English Dictionary will have to wait till grokking is filled,
because that is just a small part of the understanding.
In an ideolgical context, a "grokked" concept becomes part of the person who contributes to it's evolution by improving the doctrine, perpetuating the myth, espousing the belief, adding detail to the social plan, refining the IDEA or proofing the theory.
Grok=two entities can combine to create a new reality greater than the sum of it's parts. "The water becomes part of the drinker, and the drinker part of the water" Both GROK each other. Things that once had separate realities become entangled in the same experiences, goals, history, and purpose.
Hard for "SHEEPLE" to understand because of their assumption of a singular reality.
LOOK IT UP! DON"T TAKE ANYONES WORD FOR ANYTHING. (although I'm incapable of lying)
I will tell you like I tell my children, "I AM THE ONLY PERSON THAT WILL ALWAYS BE TRUTHFUL"!
(if I grok)
Grok-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia +
Recomended reading="Stranger in a Strange Land"
By: Robert A. Heinlein (read it about every seven or eight years)...see how YOU change.
♥Love and everything positive. Rob Allen♥
http://www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_1195277Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendId=383025628&page=2#ixzz0u71qAlMJ
The Reality Of Words (R.Allen)
If you walk into a room with ten people in it and say the word horse.
Seven people picture seven different horses...from Mr.Ed to Black Beauty and so on.(the english major is thinking, "sore throat?)
One person didn't hear you, the other misunderstood what you said.
This is the way it is with all words. We're imprisoned in our bodies passing messages to each other in the form of these words...and they don't mean the same thing to whoever hears them. As they mean to the person saying...whatever.
So it is with all words.
A pale shadow to a picture.
Translucent compared to reality.If you walk into a room with ten people in it and say the word horse. Seven people picture seven different horses...from Mr.Ed to Black Beauty and so on.(the english major is thinking, "sore throat?) One person didn't hear you, the other misunderstood what you said. This is the way it is with all words. We're imprisoned in our bodies passing messages to each other in the form of these words...and they don't mean the same thing to whoever hears them. As they mean to the person saying...whatever. So it is with all words. A pale shadow to a picture. Translucent compared to reality.
Seven people picture seven different horses...from Mr.Ed to Black Beauty and so on.(the english major is thinking, "sore throat?)
One person didn't hear you, the other misunderstood what you said.
This is the way it is with all words. We're imprisoned in our bodies passing messages to each other in the form of these words...and they don't mean the same thing to whoever hears them. As they mean to the person saying...whatever.
So it is with all words.
A pale shadow to a picture.
Translucent compared to reality.If you walk into a room with ten people in it and say the word horse. Seven people picture seven different horses...from Mr.Ed to Black Beauty and so on.(the english major is thinking, "sore throat?) One person didn't hear you, the other misunderstood what you said. This is the way it is with all words. We're imprisoned in our bodies passing messages to each other in the form of these words...and they don't mean the same thing to whoever hears them. As they mean to the person saying...whatever. So it is with all words. A pale shadow to a picture. Translucent compared to reality.
The Answers to all Life's Important Questions (R.Allen)
http://www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_1195277http://www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_1195277“All The Real Answers to life’s questions, truthfully” (Robert K. Allen 1-26-2011)
Our Reality is projected MATTER, from a central location.
All the universe as we perceive it, is a shifting ever changing , mathematical equation of matter.
Similar to a projected holographic laser image on a layers of plastic screen.
Like a 3-D movie.
We are but one of an unknown number of parallel realities.
Reason for existence=
To recognize and acknowledge the intricate beauty of all things.
The very highest level of caring. An emotion so deep with respect for an entity of life,
That anything less diminishes all.
Human religions=
A basic solar myth, altered throughout human existence, to suite the controlling elite;
To impose and create control for the human growing super-organism that is society.
WE are unwitting cells in the super organism that is society. It imposes it’s myths, propaganda, traditions, and hundreds of other things. This limits our freedoms, gives us a False, “world view” and warps our self image.
In human concept usually a deity, or “Father Figure” created by humans to impose certain
Laws that hold together and reinforce the beliefs of any particular social order that makes up a regions society.
In reality the controlling force of the multi projected “realities of matter” that make up the limitless layers of dimensions that are perceived as universes by the human entities.
Totally unimaginable by the projected ever shifting matter that is humankind.
The end of the animating projection that binds and composed the matter
That “was” you. You become decomposing matter.
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